View Full Version : Collinite 845 beading!

06-11-2007, 09:27 PM
Collinite 845

I ordered some Collinite 845 a few months ago from Autogeek, but forgot about it and just started using it this past week. I can’t believe I let the stuff sit on the shelf so long w/o using it. I applied it via PC on speed of 3. It went of very smooth and come of super easy. It rained a few days later and the water beads were ridiculous. I’m going to be sure to use it more often. Here are few pics and a video of some beading I got today while spray my hood w/ my pressure washer.



http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s183/shadybreal/th_reflections031.jpg (http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s183/shadybreal/?action=view&current=reflections031.flv)

06-11-2007, 09:34 PM
Collinite waxes are some serious stuff...they have a energizer bunnie in them..they just keep on going...I used it for years for a winter protection...and it held up all winter.....915 is the best looker of them all...it just has a nice look to it..has a touch more gloss and depth than the others.....but some times can be a biatch to get off if you apply it to thick...


06-11-2007, 09:38 PM
Those are some wicked beads...I like the video you attached you...very nice.

Question, how does Collinite Super Doublecoat Auto Wax (No. 476s). compare? I have some coming my way and I forgot all about the 915...darn maybe next time.

Thanks for sharing.

06-11-2007, 09:47 PM
Nica...heres how the waxes fall in place....

IDENTITY (As Used on Label and List)
#476s Super Doublecoat Paste Wax
#900 Mold Release
#885 Fleetwax Paste #S-238 Insulator Paste Wax

these are all the same wax..just named different

IDENTITY (As Used on Label and List)
#845 Insulator Wax
#925 Fiberglass Boat Wax

IDENTITY (As Used on Label and List)
#915 Marque D’Elegance

IDENTITY (As Used on Label and List)
#73ss Sapphire Paste Auto Wax
#146 MW Marine Wax

IDENTITY (As Used on Label and List)
#870 Liquid Fleetwax
#ss126 Liquid Sapphire Auto Wax

the waxes in each group are the same....just named different ...

one name for auto and one for marine...


06-11-2007, 09:52 PM
Thanks Al, that helps.

Man you are a walkint, living, breathing Google machine :D....that's a compliment ;)

Tex Star Detail
06-11-2007, 10:02 PM
been using #885 for a while now. Slick and beads tight

06-11-2007, 10:04 PM
I did a right half/left half comparison with Meg's 16 and Collinite 845 on my trunk lid. (#16 is my regular wax). The initial beading was identical, or at least there was no discernable difference. I have since stripped polished, re-sealed and rewaxed with 16 so I don't know about longevity.

It is so pretty when the car has just been waxed and a gentle but steady rain falls, leaving beads and runoff patterns along the contours of you hood.

06-11-2007, 11:01 PM
Yeh I have 915 and as Al says it looks great, especially on metallic type colors. And damn, said it before, but have no idea whats in it that makes it so durable.

06-14-2007, 10:19 PM
I used #845 on my Civic pre-winter at the recommendation of some folks on this forum, for the harsh Calgary winters we get here.

This was back in October and only in the last month has the beading started to turn to sheeting. This after being bludgeoned with severe cold, sleet, snow and the tons of salt the city dumps on the roads from Nov-May.

It's awesome stuff.