View Full Version : CarPro Hydro2 vs Permanon Platinum

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08-23-2013, 02:39 PM
anyone ever try comparing the two? they seem similar as a spray on rinse off form of sealant. primary interest in durability.

how do the two of them compare to reload for durability?

08-23-2013, 09:35 PM
I have used both and prefer Permanon.

Hydro2 gives a very glassy look and wins in that category but every car I used it on would have a weird streaking pattern left on the paint. You can only see it on dark colored cars but it is a pain in the butt and has to be buffed out. I tried many different methods of applying thinking it was operator error but always got the same result.

It sucks because it really makes the paint pop and it does seem to protect for a long time. I applied it to my wife's Audi Q5 and she is the hardest person I know on cars. I swear she puts new scratches in the paint to see if she can defeat me, but Hydro2 has lasted five months now and still beads like the first day despite her best efforts.

Permanon is super easy to apply and I have never had a streaking problem. It looks great too but not as intense as Hydro2. The biggest thing is how it sheets water. Water will not stay on the car. It's actually amazing to watch while you drive in the rain. I honestly don't know the true durability because I have started using it like a QD after a wash. Permanon is also the only product I have seen that truly repels dust.

I never liked Reload. It streaked on me too. Maybe I just don't have a good grasp on using Carpro products.

08-23-2013, 09:46 PM
@ Above.
I have used Hydeo 2 in the past as well, and it left behind something i dont even know how to describe. Is like streak marks, but when i wipe it with my fingers, i can see it smear, is kind of like some kind of oil?

Is that what u experienced?

08-23-2013, 10:07 PM
@ Above.
I have used Hydeo 2 in the past as well, and it left behind something i dont even know how to describe. Is like streak marks, but when i wipe it with my fingers, i can see it smear, is kind of like some kind of oil?

Is that what u experienced?

That's it. It is hard to describe because it's not a typical streak mark. It's kind of blotchy and really shows up in sun light. The first car i applied it to looked like it had leopard skin spots.

It can be buffed out but that's a pain. I tried every method of applying with some being better than others but always the same weird pattern to some degree. It's interesting to know I'm not the only one and wonder if others have experienced the same results or know any tips to applying it.

08-23-2013, 10:13 PM
All these problems you guys are experiencing is because of improper use. First off, don't do it in direct sunlight. Also, you GOT TO spray it right after application, don't wait. If you do that you won't get any streaks on dark colors. Only happened to me on my first try and I then learned the correct way to do it.

08-23-2013, 10:13 PM
Well im glad that i am not the only one.
I tried Hydro 2 in several occasion.

The 1st time was on a Black Mini Cooper
2nd was on my WRB WRX
and 3rd is a Gray metallic color Subaru Crosstrek.

All 3 i experienced the same thing.
I notice that when u wipe it with Eraser, it will come off. But requires alot of elbow grease.

Last week i tried it again on the Gray metallic subaru, i was tired of it and just left the streaking there.
And a week later the paint still look super shiny / clean.
So im unsure if the streak is still there under all that dust lol

PS: I sprayed and hose off strong IMMEDIATELY.

08-23-2013, 10:14 PM
Did you make sure the paint was cool?

08-23-2013, 10:15 PM
Cee dog has a review and posted tips on applying it, did you see that thread?
If you have some extra hydro2 laying around that you don't want I'll make a trade with you.

08-23-2013, 10:19 PM
Well i do wash my vehicles outside my garage.
idk if it was hot / warm. But i applied AFTER i did a 2 bucket and did a hose off before applying

08-23-2013, 10:23 PM
All these problems you guys are experiencing is because of improper use. First off, don't do it in direct sunlight. Also, you GOT TO spray it right after application, don't wait. If you do that you won't get any streaks on dark colors. Only happened to me on my first try and I then learned the correct way to do it.

I appreciate the tips but I did try what you suggested. Every time I applied it i was in my garage under shop lights. Sorry if my sun light comment made it seem different. At first I thought I was waiting to long to spray it off, although I was only doing a panel at a time, so I tried to spray a small section with bottle in one hand and then immediately rinse with pressure washer in the other. That produced better results but it still had some splotchy areas when it was all said and done. This is especially true around the areas that hold water like trunk lids, side mirrors, etc.

These reasons are why I went the Permanon route. I never had a problem with it and I actually used their glass cleaner to remove the spots the last time I used hydro2. As I mentioned Hydro2 has a lot of upside but it's just too finicky for me. Maybe I'll give it another shot and see if I can further improve my technique.

08-23-2013, 11:59 PM
It's suggested to just use a strong jet of water, not high pressure water like in a pressure washer. You want as much water to react with hydro2 as possible from what I understand. Using a pressure washer isn't using as much water as you would using water straight out of a hose with a strong jet of water. Try that. If that doesn't work I have no clue. Just speaking off what I heard when reading about this product because I'm really interested in it.

08-24-2013, 02:39 AM
Very good advice about Hydro2! Props! Apply per my tips and there is no issue. I work with pros that use it daily with no issue. The hose with nozzle is best method as well.

Reload: I have heard the streaking comment before but every person I have shared my tips with now says its super easy and doesn't streak. Spray, spread immediately, buff off immediately. It streaks no more than any other spray product. The only difference is its very durable so you have to wipe it off before it cures. You can't come back later and check for streaks. Check as you go section by section.

08-24-2013, 02:40 AM
It probably isn't a reaction with hydro2 and water, it is just a removal of the residue. You can do a contact wash after use rather than rinsing and that removes it (or my tests showed as such). As soon as it starts drying out you have the problem.

08-24-2013, 04:13 AM
It sounds like the streaking problem is due to not removing the residue properly.

If you are rinsing it immediately, how long are you rinsing it..?...if you are just doing s quick rinse like you would rinse off after a conventional wash, you will have problems.

The clue to your problem, you revealed yourself by saying the streaking is noticeable around areas that are hard to get a good shot of water at in or near nooks and crannies. That's your clue.

You have to really freakin rinse "hard " as in lots of water at high speed and you keep rinsing it until you see the paint transform into a sheeting monster.

If you are just rinsing too quickly with a fast hand motion you are not removing the residue properly.

You'd be better off taking the product off by hand as in hand rinsing with contact as another person suggested.

The trick is getting the residue OFF.

Old Tiger
08-24-2013, 06:14 AM
Once you learn to apply, the durability blows away Permanon. Keys are cool surface, low light and less than 30 seconds between app and thorough rinse. Hydro 2 outperforms Permanon in all aspects except ease of application. ReLoad is the clear cost per app King!