View Full Version : What's the proper way to clean foam pads using Dawn Power Dissolver?

08-21-2013, 12:10 AM
I have some pads that have dried wax and polish on them and reading around, I saw a lot of people recommend Dawn Power Dissolver, which I happen to have. Is this still a good product to use as an alternative to foam pad cleaners? And if so, what are the proper steps to take to clean them completely?

08-21-2013, 12:47 PM
Pour some Dawn into a 5 gallon bucket. Put your pads in (make sure they are submerged) and I let mine soak overnight. Next day, I will rinse with warm water under the sink.

Put them on the rotary to spin dry and then lay them in the sun to finishing drying.

08-21-2013, 01:48 PM
Pour some Dawn into a 5 gallon bucket. Put your pads in (make sure they are submerged) and I let mine soak overnight. Next day, I will rinse with warm water under the sink.

After the soaking overnight squeeze out the excess water, squirk a few sprays of PowerDissolver onto the pad and work in then let the pad sit for 10 minutes. Add a little water and work the pad from the center to the outer edge with your thumbs. Since it is dry product you might have to repeat. Then rinse out well under running water working from the center out with thumbs. I put them between the folds of a thick terry towel and stand on them for a few seconds to squeeze out most of the water then set velcro up on an open rack of some sort to dry overnight.

08-21-2013, 02:37 PM
I was never able to find dawn power dissolver anywhere around me so I never tried it. I like using Meg's super degreaser. Dawn doesn't even come close to cleaning sealants out of my pads.

08-21-2013, 05:33 PM
I was never able to find dawn power dissolver anywhere around me so I never tried it. I like using Meg's super degreaser. Dawn doesn't even come close to cleaning sealants out of my pads.

I always find it at Walmart for $2.83 per bottle (unless of course they are out of stock then you just have to wait) It's in the aisle with the dish washing liquids, but you do have to look for it--blue spray bottle.

08-21-2013, 09:25 PM
Pour some Dawn into a 5 gallon bucket. Put your pads in (make sure they are submerged) and I let mine soak overnight. Next day, I will rinse with warm water under the sink.

Put them on the rotary to spin dry and then lay them in the sun to finishing drying.

After the soaking overnight squeeze out the excess water, squirk a few sprays of PowerDissolver onto the pad and work in then let the pad sit for 10 minutes. Add a little water and work the pad from the center to the outer edge with your thumbs. Since it is dry product you might have to repeat. Then rinse out well under running water working from the center out with thumbs. I put them between the folds of a thick terry towel and stand on them for a few seconds to squeeze out most of the water then set velcro up on an open rack of some sort to dry overnight.

Thank you both very much. I'm going to try this ASAP.

08-21-2013, 11:12 PM
The grit guard PRS spray works very well too! I dont know if AG sells it, but that stuff eat caked dried compound and wax.

08-22-2013, 01:44 AM
I use CG pad cleaner for now. Came free with a pad order. Stuff works great gets everything out. While I'm in session and spent pad goes in a presoak bucket with Purple Power and water mix to keep product from drying rinsed. Then treated with pad cleaner.

When I soak I soak face down gravity keeps the product from moving further into the pad. When I dry. Face down. Any little bits of residue will remain close to the face of the pad. I spin them on a PC then let finish air dry. Before I pack them up. Hit them with some compressed air in the ziplocs they go