View Full Version : Blackfire/wdgps/v7 selection help

08-20-2013, 05:56 PM
I am in desperate need of help. i have a 2013 honda civic in black. i was planning on getting pinnacle paintwork cleansing lotion then applying wdgps. Then i came across CG blacklight/v7 combo which from my understanding amazing. then that turned me on to the blackfire combo.....so now im back to square one!!!
i really like the idea of using v-7 or blackfire polymer spray after washing to keep it looking freshly waxed but i really want some durability as well. i also wanted to get the paint clean and thats why i wanted to go with pinnacle....i know that i need to stay in family so to speak like blackfire products or blacklight with v-7 but i wanted a really good sealant like wdgps 3.0..... i thought i had this all figured out but i need help!!!! could i use pinnacle then top with blackfire or blacklight? is blacklight even a sealant? how long does it last? does blackfire have a sealant beside crystal sealant? o and i will be applying by hand so thats important for ease of use! Please help!!

08-20-2013, 07:47 PM
I used a Blacklight then bfwd and topped they with BF Black Ice.

I love the way it looks and the beading.

08-20-2013, 08:08 PM
Never used blacklight. But I switched from zaino to blackfire. I use their gloss enhancing polish, then bfafpp. Once a month or every other ill use crystal seal. Blackfire is great stuff. Ill use V7 or Bf polymer spray in between washes

08-20-2013, 09:10 PM
im wondering what the durability of blacklight and v-7 is? im leaning towards the blackfire family..... although i was set on pinnacle/wdgps. i because the pinnacle lotion rounds swirls and has some fillers . does the blackligh/blackfire have fillers? i have a feeling that the blacklight/v-7 combo might pop more but blackfire may have more durability.... but thats just a hunch.... i really want to incoperate either v-7 or blakcfire polymer spray into my arsenal.... guess i could use v-7 with the pinnacle/wdgps but im not sure how all three would work together...... so blackfire is kinda my gut feeling

08-20-2013, 09:12 PM
No fillers with blackfire. Pure sealant

08-20-2013, 09:32 PM
Why not just do a coating like DP, C1, cquartz, exo or 22ple and just maintain that? Its a couple bucks more for better protection and better gloss. I like and used wdgps and blackfire, but for my baby I used a coating and people tell me all the time your car looks so clean even when there is a coat of dust over it.

08-20-2013, 09:33 PM
Hard to beat Black Fire Wet Diamond with Midnight Sun unless its BFWD covered with Fuzion.

08-21-2013, 02:59 AM
You're letting yourself get caught up in the hype of the various products you read about - keep it simple, and if possible, keep it within product lines (since these are more likely to work well with each other). Get some Blackfire GEP to clean and prep the paint, apply Blackfire Wet Diamond AFPP, then top up periodically with the BF Polymer Spray - three products and done.

You can substitute the three steps with products from the Wolfgang line (Paintwork Polish Enhancer, WGDGPS, and Deep Gloss Spritz Sealant), or from CG (Blacklight, a CG sealant, and then V7, though I haven't really heard that many recommendations for any of the sealants in CG's line), but there's no need to over-complicate things and come up with a long daisy-chain of products all applied on top of one another :)

08-21-2013, 04:53 AM
Blacklight and V7 is all you need. Easy to use with consistent results.

Don't over think this.

08-21-2013, 08:17 AM
im not trying to over think :) but its hard not to get caught up. since im only maintaining two vehicles these product will last a long time so i just want to make to the best decision :) but i think staying in the same family is probably the best, and i havent heard anyone suggest CG sealant although blacklight maybe some sort of sealant but does anyone have length on durability?

08-21-2013, 10:19 AM
im looking at the coatings and i see your point. but i have to admit im pretty intimidated by them..... how would you remove them when they start to wear down? are there any geeks near me in central alabama?

08-21-2013, 11:20 AM
If, after washing/drying/"Baggie Test", the vehicles' paint meets with your satisfaction...

Apply a film-layer of WGDGPS to each vehicle; let it "cure";
and, then get out and enjoy them before the rest of Summer is up-and-gone.



08-21-2013, 05:56 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, think im gonna try to blackfire kit and see how it does!!

08-21-2013, 06:10 PM
BFMS is a tremendous wax. Get the mini one to put over BFWD while you're at it. :)

08-22-2013, 08:14 AM
i dont mean to keep bumping this thread but i actually have the chance to do a trade and get pinnacle paintwork lotion and wgdps in a trade.... used of course but about half the sealant and used once on the lotion...so that throws a kink in. i could get that and use wolfgang crystal mist....... decisions