View Full Version : Lets discuss Iron X and its uses.

08-09-2013, 04:24 PM
Per recommendations by you fine gentlemen i purchased a bottle of Iron X to help get some rotor material and embedded brake dust off of my wifes wheels on her X5. Because the wheels looked really bad i was skeptical...and i had no idea how it was going to get the embedded crap off the wheels.

I just tried it on one wheel and i'm pretty amazed on what it did. I got all the loose dirt off the wheel and wet it down with water...sprayed Iron X on the wheel and watched the entire wheel almost turn purple. I rubbed it around with a wet microfiber and hosed it off. Long story short...the wheel looks great.

Here's a few questions. Do you guys use Iron X as a dedicated wheel cleaner? or is it just an extra step once the wheel is clean?

Also....what's the use of Iron X on paint? why use it? and when do you use it?

Thanks for any info. I'm looking forward to getting to know this fantastic product on a more regular basis. :xyxthumbs:

08-09-2013, 05:04 PM
Can spray it on body also , will remove brake dust out of it .

08-09-2013, 05:37 PM
I use IronX after I clean the wheel and per BobbyG's cleaning method. Mike has this in his books as well

Your best way to clean wheels is to get the wheels clean with a wheel cleaner and your brushs to get all the bigger grime and dirt. After that then apply your IronX to work solely on the iron particles.

08-09-2013, 11:36 PM
Use IronX on the paint for a brand new car as part of any first detail. Use it again every time you tear down. There is a paste also, which might go a little further on the paint and will stick to the sides of the car better. There is also a snow soap which you can use in a foamer occasionally as a maintenance and it won't strip your LSP. I use the snow soap every couple months when I am going to re-apply my Crystal Seal.

08-10-2013, 09:39 AM
Here's a few questions. Do you guys use Iron X as a dedicated wheel cleaner? or is it just an extra step once the wheel is clean?

IronX isn't supposed to be a dedicated wheel cleaner: it is used only on highly contaminated wheels - after such a deep clean, and some kind of protective sealant or coating, you will only need water and soap to regularly maintain your wheels.

Also....what's the use of Iron X on paint? why use it? and when do you use it?

Yes, it is designed to be used on paint. It will remove all the ferric contaminants that are imbedded on the paint (for instance, from industrial fallout). The frequency of usage depends on where you live/work - if you are based near a railroad or industrial area, you may have to use it regularly. Usually, I don't use it more than once a year (my cars are parked on a garage both at home and work).