View Full Version : Escalade that was a mess.

08-07-2013, 07:56 PM
This job is a couple of months old, but wanted to share because all of the advice I received here from you guys and gals motivated me to take this one when I was going to pass on it. It was loaded with doberman hair, dirt and was a real mess on the interior. The dash was simply gross and the before picture doesn't do it justice. Thanks for moving me to take the job as it turned into another job (the Porsche in the last picture parked next to the caddy) and a very satisfied customer.

08-07-2013, 09:14 PM
What a difference! Keep up the work!:)

Sent from my Nexus 4 using AG Online

08-07-2013, 11:28 PM
Nice job :)

08-08-2013, 12:27 AM
Great job!!!

A lot of you guys said word of mouth will keep getting you customers. And yes word of mouth has done wonders for me, especially with before and after pictures.

08-08-2013, 12:54 AM
Great job!!!

A lot of you guys said word of mouth will keep getting you customers. And yes word of mouth has done wonders for me, especially with before and after pictures.

It the best form of advertisement :)

08-08-2013, 06:02 AM
Great job!!!

A lot of you guys said word of mouth will keep getting you customers. And yes word of mouth has done wonders for me, especially with before and after pictures.

Thanks guys and yes, word of mouth has kept me VERY busy this summer.

08-08-2013, 06:14 AM
Great turaround mate , how long it took & what products / processes di you use !

08-08-2013, 06:51 AM

Great job too, by the way.

08-08-2013, 09:03 AM
Great turaround mate , how long it took & what products / processes di you use !

Thanks so much !
AGO products were:
Meg's Gold Class Leather Cleaner
Meg's Hot Rims Wheel Cleaner
Mother's Back to Black Tire Shine
Porter Cable DA Polisher with LC Pads

The exterior wasn't bad other than some tar and leftover wax on the plastic from the previous detailer (which is why I got the call this time around). The interior was somewhat neglected but not AS bad as I thought it was going to be, but it was still a mess.
First step was to simply vacuum everything and see what was going to come out with the least effort. Next step was to get into the crevices and get the dog chews and French fries out. As I was cleaning the door jambs, I hit the rear hatch and found an active bees' nest near the top of the rear hatch. I keep a can of bee killer in my crate for just such emergencies. I pulled out the rear seats to get into the seat tracks much to the surprise of the customer. I wound up using a hard bristled general purpose brush to brush the hair loose from the carpet and vac it out. Used a MF cloth and OPC to wipe down every surface in the vehicle and get the crud off the dash and the mystery stain off the driver's seat. This was a time consumer as it seemed every time I thought I'd gotten that last spot I found something else. Lightly sprayed the stains on the carpet w/OPC and let it sit while I cleaned the glass and leather. Washed and extracted the spots on the carpet . Thankfully nothing was permanent. Gave everything one last pass with the vac to make sure no hair was left behind and moved on to the outside.
Outside went very smoothly. A couple of shopping cart looking paint transfers came off with a little elbow grease and the tar came off within about 20 seconds of applying Tarminator. Wax went on and off quickly and included waxing the windows. Total time spent was 4.5 hours.

08-08-2013, 09:26 AM
Thanks so much !
AGO products were:
Meg's Gold Class Leather Cleaner
Meg's Hot Rims Wheel Cleaner
Mother's Back to Black Tire Shine
Porter Cable DA Polisher with LC Pads

The exterior wasn't bad other than some tar and leftover wax on the plastic from the previous detailer (which is why I got the call this time around). The interior was somewhat neglected but not AS bad as I thought it was going to be, but it was still a mess.
First step was to simply vacuum everything and see what was going to come out with the least effort. Next step was to get into the crevices and get the dog chews and French fries out. As I was cleaning the door jambs, I hit the rear hatch and found an active bees' nest near the top of the rear hatch. I keep a can of bee killer in my crate for just such emergencies. I pulled out the rear seats to get into the seat tracks much to the surprise of the customer. I wound up using a hard bristled general purpose brush to brush the hair loose from the carpet and vac it out. Used a MF cloth and OPC to wipe down every surface in the vehicle and get the crud off the dash and the mystery stain off the driver's seat. This was a time consumer as it seemed every time I thought I'd gotten that last spot I found something else. Lightly sprayed the stains on the carpet w/OPC and let it sit while I cleaned the glass and leather. Washed and extracted the spots on the carpet . Thankfully nothing was permanent. Gave everything one last pass with the vac to make sure no hair was left behind and moved on to the outside.
Outside went very smoothly. A couple of shopping cart looking paint transfers came off with a little elbow grease and the tar came off within about 20 seconds of applying Tarminator. Wax went on and off quickly and included waxing the windows. Total time spent was 4.5 hours.

Thanx for the comeback mate . Not too much time ! It takes me more time to do these jobs on my mother s & my ride , doing it by hand , no pw , polisher , name it . Might have some equipments one day ! lol

08-08-2013, 09:58 AM
Anytime. I used to do it all by hand as well and still do on occasion if a customer asks. Naturally the price jumps when I do, but hey, if that's what the customer asks for, that's what they get. Only reason I have the gear is that it was all bought during a sale and I had just done a pair of cars and put the money toward a PC Kit.