View Full Version : Tar removal help needed.

08-05-2013, 03:11 PM
It,s time in upstate NY to tar and stone roads in need of some repair. I got onto one of these roads for only 2 tenths of a mile and the side of my new car is a mess! Recommendations of proven tar removal needed!

08-05-2013, 03:33 PM
I've always had success with Goo Gone and/or clay.

I'll take a rag and just use a little Goo Gone on the rag and then go spot by spot. If there are still some tiny spatters or marks, I'll follow up with clay. I'm sure some other citrus based cleaner might also work if you have it already on hand.

This has always work well for me. The downside is the wax/sealant under the treated areas will be gone.

My wife hit some with one of our vehicles last week. The spash guards took most of the hit and saved the paint, but the wheels on one side were a mess and I spent quite a bit of time cleaning them this weekend.

Ohio Detailing
08-05-2013, 03:53 PM

I'm always hesitant to offer advice, because of the amazing talent pool here on AutoGeek - but in my experiences, a mixture of allowing TRIX to dwell on the paint, along with an APC spray on severe areas being wiped with a properly saturated and softened bug-sponge that I drizzle with citrus-based gel cleaner ALWAYS takes off the hardest tar and contaminants.

I actually do a pressure-washer spray down and then do this step BEFORE the wash, as I've come to love the "prep" phase over the years as the MOST crucial step toward ensuring a positive outcome.

PS: Like Desertnate stated above, the wax coatings will be totally removed... but I actually ALWAYS strip client's vehicles anyway (unless, obviously, it is a repeat client that we service multiple times through the year and have had the advantage of proper detailing in the past)

08-05-2013, 05:07 PM
Tarminator is the only stuff I use anymore. It's a great product.

08-05-2013, 05:20 PM
i second the tarminator