View Full Version : Pearl white Fusion, prepped and DP Paint Coat

08-04-2013, 08:12 PM
Well, here it is Geeks. My second weekend wit the new DP paint coat. Today was my sister's Pearl white tri coat metallic (or whatever in the heck the name is) Fusion. This car is driven. A lot. And washed, well, not often enough. My brother in law called me last week asking if I knew anybody who knew anything about waxing a car, jokingly of course, and we decided this beautiful sunday would be ideal. Now I know what kind of care this car does and doesn't get, but I didn't know if he'd want to go to level of obsessed that I do with car care. He got to my house at about 7am which gave us plenty of day to work. The car was filthy and had a lot of set in dirt. We started with a two bucket wash,that I couldn't get him to buy into completely. Didn't seem to understand rinsing the mitt on the grit guard as often as I like, but whatever, it's his car. He did a hell of a job getting all the spots though, very thorough in that regard. Up next was clay treatment with the Mothers clay bar kit. It did as good a job as I come to expect from Mothers products. It was a pleasant surprise to find the showtime detail spray to smell of sweet cinnamon, nice touch. The car was pretty swirled out. I know how its been washed and wasn't at all surprised, I just hope my details and advice set in for the next wash! There's a pic of the hood where you can see how bad it is, and then a pretty good 50/50 (look left of the shadow) after a pass with the Wolfgang Total Swirl Remover 3.0 with an orange LC Smart pad on my GG6. This finished down extremely well, so I did about 75% of the car while showing and watching him on the other 25%. Like everybody's first time, it's easy to want to move faster than the product will allow. He got the hang of it though, and after some Penn Station philly's for lunch we were able to finish the light correction and move on. I started wiping with a 17% IPA and follow up buffing to make sure we didn't miss anything. DP Paint Prep Polish was next. This stuff is runny. I'm still not used to how much so it is, but I don't necessarily mind too much. Stuck with an orange pad at speed 3 for the prep polish and I think it turned out great. He got more practice with the DA and by the end of the day had an idea how to handle it. We made 4 section passes on the entire car and buffed with the Miracle towel after each panel. One more spray with IPA (I know it's not necessary when using the prep, but I did anyways) and on to the coat. I had a number of hand lights at my disposal today to try and better see the application of Pint Coat but none of them helped worth a darn. I am convinced that on light colored vehicles it's just sheer practice and skill that'll get ya through. I still had a lot of grabbing on the applicator (yellow foam finger pocket) as I was spreading the coat, and this stuff still flashed almost instantly. The few high spots that I found always seemed to be where the spray first made contact with the car, my spread point if you will. They all buffed out rather easy though with my grey Korean microfiber from you know where. Short story long... we got the whole car completed with no trouble. I eased back off the extra sprays that I instinctively wanted to do of the paint coat, and as of now, all is well. I'd say I hit the hood with 5-6 sprays and an average of 2-3 per door. Now only a rain shower will tell me if I got everywhere. This stuff leaves an awesomely slick finish when you're through, be ready to love it!

08-04-2013, 08:17 PM
Very nice!!!!

08-04-2013, 08:19 PM
Excellent work. Looks fantastic.

08-04-2013, 10:51 PM
Nice results. My wife has the same wheels on her non pearl white Fusion, I really dig them.

08-04-2013, 11:09 PM
Any final comments from Bro in law?

Car came out great looking!

08-05-2013, 06:07 AM
Thanks guys, I've got to get this stuff on car with some color. Bro in law was amazed at how it looks now, but maybe taken back a bit by the processes? I'm letting him know about two bucket washes, grit guards, and good towels in hopes that he might bite, but dude works 60-70,hours week running service doing hvac. I don't know that he wants to spend an hour a week on her car.
Those are def my favorite of the fusion wheels. I used a Daytona brush and it was perfect for the smaller holes in the spokes. I've gotta say though, I'm partial to the straight lines of the wheels on my Milan.

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Mike Phillips
08-05-2013, 06:14 AM

Now that's what I would call clean and shiny!


08-05-2013, 08:45 AM
White is a hard color to shine up. Yours looks spot on !!!

08-31-2013, 08:17 AM
Thanks guys!

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