View Full Version : Car Duster Reccomendation

06-07-2007, 06:57 AM
Can anyone reccomend a duster for between washings such as the California Duster? My car is dark metalic green and the pollen season is still with us here in the North East. Wash today and covered with pollen tomorrow. Do these dusters do more harm than good in terms of possibly scratching the finish.

06-07-2007, 09:24 AM
IMO, none. I dont like them. Id rather use a good QD with a high quality microfiber or wash the car then use one of those dusters.

06-07-2007, 10:23 AM
Can anyone reccomend a duster for between washings such as the California Duster? My car is dark metalic green and the pollen season is still with us here in the North East. Wash today and covered with pollen tomorrow. Do these dusters do more harm than good in terms of possibly scratching the finish.
I'd take OXO any day over California duster. Rubber handle - better grip.

06-07-2007, 12:05 PM
I used the Cal duster for quite awhile, but only on light dust. Never put any downward pressure on it. Then on a day after I had just jeweled the paint on a car I used it to get off the dusting. You guessed it, light scratches. Never used it again.

06-07-2007, 03:55 PM
Another for the California Duster. Let it sit on newspaper for a day or two before using to let the excess parrifin get absorbed... Also use it with no pressure.

Gary Sword
06-07-2007, 04:22 PM
If I'm not going to be using a car for while I wash it and cover it up.

06-07-2007, 04:46 PM
I have been rubbin down my car every night with a new MF towel since my big wash/seal/wax this past weekend. It sparkles it up real nice, but will a MF towel cause marring as well? If I am rubbing dust? The car gets driven about 80 miles a day then gets a lovely rub down at night in the garage before the lights go out to go to bed. I been thinking about getting a Cal Duster but from the sounds of this thread using the MF towel the way I do is a better choice?

06-07-2007, 04:59 PM
I have found that if used properly the CA Duster works great. Especially removing all this pollen we are getting here in New England. Just lightly touch the finish and it removes light dust with ease. If you have a Job Lots near you they have them for only $7.99.

06-07-2007, 05:40 PM
I have found that if used properly the CA Duster works great. Especially removing all this pollen we are getting here in New England. Just lightly touch the finish and it removes light dust with ease. If you have a Job Lots near you they have them for only $7.99.


06-07-2007, 07:55 PM
I have been rubbin down my car every night with a new MF towel since my big wash/seal/wax this past weekend. It sparkles it up real nice, but will a MF towel cause marring as well? If I am rubbing dust? The car gets driven about 80 miles a day then gets a lovely rub down at night in the garage before the lights go out to go to bed. I been thinking about getting a Cal Duster but from the sounds of this thread using the MF towel the way I do is a better choice?

Anything that touches the paint could theorhetically leave marring. When you say "rubbing down the car with a new MF towel", I'm assuming you're using a good QD and a clean (washed) MF towel. If that's the case, then you're minimizing the potential for marring.

06-07-2007, 09:55 PM
Plus one for the California duster..i bought one for the 71 olds i only used it a few times..i did like Gary mention ..washed her up and placed a car cover over it..

for pollen and light dust on your DD i think you'll be happy with the results