View Full Version : Dislike for Synthetic drying towels?

07-22-2013, 02:00 PM
So can explain the dislike that most "detailers" have for cleaning towels like the absorber?

07-22-2013, 05:16 PM
IMO if there was any grit on the car the absorber could potentially cause scratches in the paint since there is no place for the grit to go but be rubbed against the finish. MF towels are soft and if used correctly will keep the grit from scraping against the paint.

07-22-2013, 05:51 PM
A damp (soaked and rung out ) MF towel spritz with D156 or similar type product works fantastic. The damp MF towel absorbs water better than a dry one and the spray wax or detail spray adds lubricious between towel and paint. I've never ever scratched the paint using this method.

Never dry with a dry towel of any kind.

07-22-2013, 06:14 PM
I found that the absorber is very good, however I would personally reccomend claying right after you wash if paint is rough. I hate drying a car and scratching the whole thing up.

07-22-2013, 06:45 PM
I found that the absorber is very good, however I would personally reccomend claying right after you wash if paint is rough. I hate drying a car and scratching the whole thing up.

Bill I thought you never clayed a car before?

07-23-2013, 11:52 AM
Drying towels have room for any contaminants to get "sucked up into the towel" while drying instead of drug over the cars paint with the Absorber. I've never used a QD to aid in drying and always start with a dry drying towel. Works for me.

07-23-2013, 12:00 PM
Do not drag an Absorber over the car. Jus lie it down and pat it, Then pick up and do another spot.

07-23-2013, 12:47 PM
So can explain the dislike that most "detailers" have for cleaning towels like the absorber?
-Some "detailers" say it's because synthetic chamois (such as: The Absorber) have "no nap" is why they dislike them.

-Even though Microfiber-towels may have differing levels of "nappiness"...they are also made of synthetics (plastics).
{HMMM..."Nappiness"...Does this also apply-to/include Microfiber Waffle-Weave-Drying Towels???}...

-Now...It has been duly noted on numerous occasions that the improper-use of either type of: 'synthetic-drying-mediums' is frowned upon.
IMHO...Then...It's best to follow slimnib's below advice when drying with either of the aforementioned synthetics:

Do not drag an Absorber over the car. Jus lie it down and pat it, Then pick up and do another spot.

-Also IMHO...That, too, is one of the best methods to employ whenever drying a vehicle using, arguably, "the best drying-media":
Genuine Natural Sheepskin Chamois...Why It Even Has "Nap"

Purchase and use only English born&bred Natural Sheepskin Chamois...Accept no substitutes!!:

http://www.autogeekonline.net/gallery/data/500/SheepskinChamois.jpg (http://www.autogeekonline.net/gallery/showphoto.php/photo/61633)

