View Full Version : Wash and Wax - 2003 Ford Mustang - EHUTH1

06-06-2007, 02:01 PM
Today was suppose to be a 2 car day with the first being a 07 Nissan Sentra (Black).. With a cancellation and this car on the waiting list I decided to give them a quick call.

We have a watering ban state wide and I've already recieved a warning, so I'm pretty much taking it easy and have developed a decent plan.


Picked up vehicle and drove straight to the in-bay spray wash and hit the wheels, wells, and tires with "the brown stuff" and then quickly degreased the rocker panels, bumpers, and windshield with PB Bugsquash and AWESOME CD.


I roll into the driveway and already had my DP 4in1 Rinseless setup. I took the top and sides and worked my way around the car in the garage. I then dried with QD and a MF towel.


I cranked up the PC with a orange 5.5 cutting pad w/ XMT360. I worked my way from top to bottom and around the vehicle before finally closing out @ the rear bumper. I then sprayed the entire car with QD and wipe any residue that remained.


I pulled the car outside to check it for any missed spots and then pulled it back in to OPTI-SEAL it. I applied this with a WG Applicator on the gray side. 1-2 spritzes per side and I was done. There was no residue nor blotchiness or over application.


I backed the car outside and dressed the wells with AA Tire Foam and tires with MEGS HE Gel.


I had one last step "The Windows." I went inside washed my hands and pulled out some SIG and went to town with a WW MF.


Double checked my work and off back to the customer.


No Befores, sorry it wasn't to bad but the headlights are going to be swapped in 3 days so no flaming for not fixing :D







06-06-2007, 02:31 PM
Looks great! water banning? That sucks...

06-06-2007, 02:38 PM
Glad we dont have water restrictions here.

Great work, car looks sweet

06-06-2007, 02:58 PM
Awesome job!!!!! I see pop. You're fast and cheap!:D Thanks for the pics and write ups, I do enjoy them.

06-06-2007, 03:18 PM
Georgia has water bans?!? Hey if you lucky like me, you should see if you can work a deal with someone that owns a carwash and see if you can get water from them! That way people can't say nothing to you... I'm in central texas and our lakes are wwaaaaayyyyyyyy over... so i pray rain goes your way!!!

06-06-2007, 03:47 PM
Nice job...looks good. Man your fast wow...well done.

Thanks for sharing.

06-06-2007, 04:06 PM
Great job! I 2nd that!! ^^ Man! You're fast! Well, I guess that's why you're the Pro.
Sucks about that water ban!