View Full Version : website layout and critique

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07-19-2013, 07:05 PM
So, I'm no where near having a detail business, buuuut, I do have a lot of free time at work and I'm a bit of a dreamer lol. I should be coming into some money shortly from sale of my house and still debating whether to load up on stuff and make a legal business out of it.

Anyhow here's what I have so far, it's just a sample, but I think it's the most important page. Please let me know what you guys think, of the pricing too! That's where I'm most lost.

temp website example (http://pastehtml.com/view/d9m42ryy4.html)

Flash Gordon
07-19-2013, 07:22 PM
IMO you're offering to many ad on's. The site needs some color too!

07-19-2013, 08:25 PM

I gave it a quick look and instantly closed the tab after a couple seconds. What you need is some pop, substance and color. Too many add on's and too much plain text. I know its a temp thing but hope other people can chime in also.

07-19-2013, 09:21 PM
Hello, nothing wrong with dreaming and working toward turning a dream into reality.

Ok, first off you need to choose better colors for the site. I know you just started but graphics would be a plus too. You know the saying, an image is Worth a thousand words.

I suggest you split your menu into separate pages. It is a bit overwhelming to look at a long list like that and people and lazy so they won't bother.

As for the items, I suggest you put all your add-ons and replacements in 1 place. Looking at a menu item and seeying a bunch of plus this plus that is very bad in terms of selling. People might just find this too complicated and move on. What I can suggest if to show the basic packages you want to work with (what is it that you find is the minimum to be Worth your time and efforts) and when you inspect the vehicle with the client suggest the work that would be best for them and their vehicle. If you have never sold before a quick selling training would be a good idea but just to sum it up: When you talk to them explain what you suggest they do, explain why and make sure they understand how it will benefit them. I can tell you right now that 95% of people looking at your website will have no idea why they should pay extra for a sealant or why the one with silicone is Worth more than the one with wax. So doing it that way will just confuse your customers.

Keep working at it, and keep asking advice and at some point you will have a website you like and people will enjoy too. Also take the time to look at the websites of other members of the forums. You will see some are really basic and others are very complex. Decide what you want for yours, find a theme that will set you appart and go to town ;)

07-19-2013, 09:42 PM
Ok thanks guys. How would you go about the add ons? I think it's better than typing up 100 packages, rather you just choose as you like, I thought anyway.

07-19-2013, 09:46 PM
You have way to much going on. All the terms you use are terms you here on auto detailing websites. Regular people will not understand you site(I hardly understand). You need to think about how a customer will view your site.

Flash Gordon
07-19-2013, 09:58 PM
Ok thanks guys. How would you go about the add ons? I think it's better than typing up 100 packages, rather you just choose as you like, I thought anyway.

I would offer a basic & deluxe detail package and then maybe have some add on's at the bottom of the page. I wouldn't offer car washes at all if you are a one man show

Building a quality looking website is very hard work. People will only visit it once (more then likely), so you want it looking right

07-19-2013, 10:43 PM
Ok thanks guys. How would you go about the add ons? I think it's better than typing up 100 packages, rather you just choose as you like, I thought anyway.

Well just make it simple, and not everything has to be there either. If you have 6 different sealants and 8 different waxes, the last thing you want to do is list them all.

Try to keep it managable for the client. 2 major options like a basic and Advanced package for exterior and the same for the interior would be a good start. If you want you can have combo packages as well, again 2 of them. This is the best way for client they have the choice between 2 things instead of 20. Too many choices and they won't know what to take.

For the options, I suggest you put a few of them there but keep them for upsales when you go to the site (if you are mobile) or when client brings the car to you (if you are fixed). Say after talking to client on the phone he tells you he wants you basic interior/exterior detail. When you meet him and inspect the car you can point out to him things that you could do to fix problems (like headlight restoration) or protect the car (sealant). If he agrees you now have one or 2 extra things to do for him and make more money. On the other hand if on the phone you start offering him 50 different options and stack up a bill, he will tell you that he needs to think about it and chances are you won't hear from him again.

Almost forgot! I would not put maintenance packages in that list. Especially with a mention "you can't get it unless you are already a client". That is the best way to make someone feel like they are getting denied on what they want. Instead, once you have done work for the client, tell them you have special packages for good customers and would like to offer it to them. They will feel special and just might give you repeat business.

07-20-2013, 12:18 AM
I agree way to many add ons and way to much to read. Needs to be easy to read and very simple.

07-20-2013, 12:44 AM
I used weebly to build mine for free and am please with how it turned out.

Pacific Auto Films - Home (http://www.pacificautofilms.com/)

VP Mark
07-20-2013, 07:58 AM
Simplify your detailing menu A LOT. If regular people cannot understand it, they will go somewhere they can understand.

Look at my page, I like to think that my menu is pretty simple to understand, but I'm always looking for ways to make it even simpler.

Flash Gordon
07-20-2013, 07:59 AM
I used weebly to build mine for free and am please with how it turned out.

Pacific Auto Films - Home (http://www.pacificautofilms.com/)

Nice site :props:

VP Mark
07-20-2013, 07:59 AM
I used weebly to build mine for free and am please with how it turned out.

Pacific Auto Films - Home (http://www.pacificautofilms.com/)

Love your page. Simple, easy to understand and find pricing and contact info. Not an overload of text either. Well done for a self created page sir!

Flash Gordon
07-20-2013, 08:00 AM
Simplify your detailing menu A LOT. If regular people cannot understand it, they will go somewhere they can understand.

Look at my page, I like to think that my menu is pretty simple to understand, but I'm always looking for ways to make it even simpler.

Your site looks great, but your prices are waaaay to low IMO

VP Mark
07-20-2013, 09:19 AM
Your site looks great, but your prices are waaaay to low IMO

Agreed but they are suited to my market.

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