View Full Version : claybar baggie test

07-14-2013, 02:46 AM
Just clayed for the first time, and was using the 'baggy test' to check my results. I started with the hood (which ended up being the only part that really seemed to need it), and after I was done, it felt very smooth to the touch by hand; but when I used the baggy I was really surprised that it wasn't nearly as smooth as I would have expected. I went over it a few more times just to make sure but I didn't see any more contamination coming off in the clay.

I'm guessing it was just other defects like the swirls, small scratches/chips in the paint. If I haven't done paint correction yet, is it normal that I might feel some roughness using the baggy, but still clayed successfully?

07-14-2013, 03:39 AM
I've run into the same exact problem. Just finished claying like two days ago, been busy with some other stuff at the moment so haven't been able to move on to the next step. Luckily, my car has resting in the garage for the time being. I'm also looking for an answer to this claying situation. Smooth as can be when I run my fingers over it, yet when it comes to the baggie test it's a whole different world. Any insight is appreciated.

07-14-2013, 11:43 PM
You can have pits and rocks chips you could be feeling after your done. What grade of clay are you using?

07-15-2013, 01:11 AM
You can have pits and rocks chips you could be feeling after your done. What grade of clay are you using?

Sorry for hijacking thread OP, but the situation also applies to me and I'm just as curious as you are when it comes to this problem.

To Pureshine, I'm using the clay in the Meguiars Smooth Surface Clay Kit. Is their clay not strong enough and maybe that is why I'm also experiencing this same problem?

07-15-2013, 01:53 AM
Sorry for hijacking thread OP, but the situation also applies to me and I'm just as curious as you are when it comes to this problem.

To Pureshine, I'm using the clay in the Meguiars Smooth Surface Clay Kit. Is their clay not strong enough and maybe that is why I'm also experiencing this same problem?

Could be but I have never used a med clay. I have change to the fine Nano wash mitt much faster does the same job. You could move up to a stronger clay and see how that works.

07-15-2013, 06:57 AM
Did the paint then feel smoother after repeating the process?
What Clay were you using?

Answers to these questions might help.

I went through the same a couple months back with the Blue Pinnacle Bar, and Pinnacle Clay Lube. Nope, I wasn't seeing a lot of dirts from
the get go, the paint felt smooth to the bare hand, but was far from passing the baggie test.

Re-claying those same areas, I could feel the paint becoming smooth, and my conclusions were, the Pinnacle Bar was just too mild for the task at hand. Again, follow up use per area was showing nothing in the way of dirts embedded in the clay.

But with 2-3 passes with the clay, the paint was getting as smooth as glass, and passing the baggie test.

I concluded that the Pinnacle Bar was likely going to work me to death, so rather than waste time doing sections over and over again, a simple trip to Wally World, $20, and a Mother's Clay Bar Kit, I was getting much better-quicker results in this particular instance.

07-15-2013, 05:14 PM
I'm using the same clay (Meguiars smooth surface clay kit) as my Jawzey. I did read about some more agressive clays, but people complained that it was too aggressive, so I held off. I was planning to polish too though so maybe I didn't need to worry too much about that.

I really get the feeling in my case it just might have been paint defects and very small chips. I have a few I can see but it did feel a little rougher than I would have expected with the baggy... Still, it really does feel glass smooth with my hand without the baggy, and I must have gone over it a good 3 or 4 times and just did not see any thing else coming off. When I started I could REALLY feel it with my bare hand, and I saw a lot of contaminants coming off on the clay.

In any case, I already started polishing (mark I think you saw my other thread where I was asking for help this past weekend). After the help from you guys and some more practice I got my issues worked out and things were looking good- so I'm going to keep pressing on and see how things go. Maybe next time I'll experiment with a more aggressive clay and see if I get different results.

07-15-2013, 06:32 PM
I'm using the same clay (Meguiars smooth surface clay kit) as my Jawzey. I did read about some more agressive clays, but people complained that it was too aggressive, so I held off. I was planning to polish too though so maybe I didn't need to worry too much about that.

I really get the feeling in my case it just might have been paint defects and very small chips. I have a few I can see but it did feel a little rougher than I would have expected with the baggy... Still, it really does feel glass smooth with my hand without the baggy, and I must have gone over it a good 3 or 4 times and just did not see any thing else coming off. When I started I could REALLY feel it with my bare hand, and I saw a lot of contaminants coming off on the clay.

In any case, I already started polishing (mark I think you saw my other thread where I was asking for help this past weekend). After the help from you guys and some more practice I got my issues worked out and things were looking good- so I'm going to keep pressing on and see how things go. Maybe next time I'll experiment with a more aggressive clay and see if I get different results.

The Tahoe you see in my Avatar, was the particular vehicle that I was having difficulty with, with the Pinnacle Clay Bar.

Once I switched to the Mother's Yellow Clay, things went real good, and much faster.
(The entire truck was Iron-X'ed and washed prior to Claying)

I let the baggie test be my eyes on every square inch, and with a non-rushed attitude, I pressed on, and got the truck all done. (I knew paint correction would be another day)

My main priority this time with the truck was not speed, just the best job of detailing, and correction that I could finally muster with all the tools, products, and new tricks I learned here. This truck needed a facelift, and makeover.
And it paid off!

I scratched my head over this, why the Pinnacle Bar was having difficulty on my thought to be really clean paint? Evidently the paint wasn't as "clean" as I thought!

And like you, I wasn't seeing anything on the Clay Bar with additional Claying to get rid of the "Bumps", with repeated useage. As I said, it was taking me 2-3 passes with the Pinnacle Bar, and even the Mother's Bar struggled a bit, but seemed more aggressive, and positive.

My conclusions, and only logical explanation of what was stuck to my paint, and wasn't showing up on the Clay as dirt? Tree Sap. I could be wrong about this, but I cannot think of any other contaminant that would make my paint feel like sandpaper with the Baggie Test.

You may be experiencing the same issues with Sap perhaps?
Do you park near any Trees?

07-15-2013, 06:52 PM
The Tahoe you see in my Avatar, was the particular vehicle that I was having difficulty with, with the Pinnacle Clay Bar.

Once I switched to the Mother's Yellow Clay, things went real good, and much faster.
(The entire truck was Iron-X'ed and washed prior to Claying)

I let the baggie test be my eyes on every square inch, and with a non-rushed attitude, I pressed on, and got the truck all done. (I knew paint correction would be another day)

My main priority this time with the truck was not speed, just the best job of detailing, and correction that I could finally muster with all the tools, products, and new tricks I learned here. This truck needed a facelift, and makeover.
And it paid off!

I scratched my head over this, why the Pinnacle Bar was having difficulty on my thought to be really clean paint? Evidently the paint wasn't as "clean" as I thought!

And like you, I wasn't seeing anything on the Clay Bar with additional Claying to get rid of the "Bumps", with repeated useage. As I said, it was taking me 2-3 passes with the Pinnacle Bar, and even the Mother's Bar struggled a bit, but seemed more aggressive, and positive.

My conclusions, and only logical explanation of what was stuck to my paint, and wasn't showing up on the Clay as dirt? Tree Sap. I could be wrong about this, but I cannot think of any other contaminant that would make my paint feel like sandpaper with the Baggie Test.

You may be experiencing the same issues with Sap perhaps?
Do you park near any Trees?

Good feedback. Yeah maybe next time with a more agressive clay I'll realize there was more there than I thought. I only park in my garage and in a covered parking garage, but I've only owned the car for a few months now, so maybe the previous owner did.

07-15-2013, 07:15 PM
Good feedback. Yeah maybe next time with a more agressive clay I'll realize there was more there than I thought. I only park in my garage and in a covered parking garage, but I've only owned the car for a few months now, so maybe the previous owner did.

My take is, "Some clayin is better than no clayin"! :props:

There's always another good day, with good weather, and conditions, and time to play!