View Full Version : OCD & Detailing, and ADD & detailing

07-12-2013, 12:46 AM
I see many of you mentioning having OCD in posts here, and I was just curious who actually has it?
What other mental things do people deal with while detailing?

I have adult ADD (no not LOOK A SQUIRREL) and when detailing I find it beneficial to have earbuds in to listen to music to keep my mind on task (especially on those long haul paint corrections, back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth)
Feed back please

davey g-force
07-12-2013, 01:07 AM
I'm not sure if I hace OCD. I definitely have a lot of the characteristics of it, I just haven't been formally diagnosed.

It's only a label anyway - as long as it doesn't cause a problem to your life or the lives of those around you, it doesn't matter IMO.

(Truth be told, my wife says it DOES cause issues sometimes lol)

Her latest one is that she thinks I have Asperger's. She's researched it online and thinks the characteristics are exactly like me. I must admit, I think I have about 25% of the traits of Asperger's too, but that doesn't mean I have it.

Everyone likes to put a label on these sort of things these days and I'm not sure if that's beneficial or not...

07-12-2013, 01:17 AM
I also have ADD, for which I take medication, as well as strong OCD tendencies, though it may not actually be full-on OCD. It's more like OCD until... oooh, shiny!!!

A little detailer / OCD humor...

How do you tell a detailer from a detailer with OCD?

A detailer says "if it has paint, it gets polished".

A detailer with OCD says "if it has paint, it gets polished, and polished, and polished, and polished, and polished...".

07-12-2013, 01:49 AM
I have ADHD not as bad as when I was a kid, thankfully my job helps my craziness. My lady loves to say like a fish I like shiny things. She swears I'm exactly like Phil Dumphey from Modern Family.

I do voice over work and do cartoon characters, commercials and such, so getting to talk weird and be random helps! Haha. When detailing I actually prefer no noise mostly treat it as quiet time, think about stuff, if I do listen to anything while detailing it'll be a Red Sox or Patriots game, some sports!

07-12-2013, 02:06 AM
I have OCD and ADHD its very hard to deal with. When it comes to detailing my customers cars its great.

07-12-2013, 02:11 AM
A detailer with OCD says "if it has paint, it gets polished, and polished, and polished, and polished, and polished...".

This is so me :/ lol it's sometimes really frustrating when I see minor swirls here and there on my car. Damn paint is tooooo soft lol definetaly my first and last black DD

07-12-2013, 03:30 AM
I'd classify myself as an OCD detailer. But of course I'd rather be that instead of a lazy detailer who doesn't care if a job is bad.

07-12-2013, 05:24 AM
I have had ADD since I was a kid, and I used to take medication for it, but over the years, I've learned to deal with it. I must admit it does really help to listen to music...
If i have OCD, not sure, but I like everything cleaned and organised, like in the kitchen, you will see all the glasses facing with the logo forwards, in the fridge the same with drinks and stuff. But hey, it only helps when doing a car.

07-12-2013, 06:10 AM
This is so me :/ lol it's sometimes really frustrating when I see minor swirls here and there on my car. Damn paint is tooooo soft lol definetaly my first and last black DD

This describes my situation as well, hence the joke. :)

I wouldn't joke about something like this otherwise. It's a real struggle sometimes.

07-12-2013, 07:39 AM
I don't consider myself OCD.
Nor I you: You are a member of AGO after all.

However...others may differ.

One Example:
The other day "The Good Wife" tried to tell me, once again, that I spend more time cleaning vehicles than I do with her.
I turned from my 'task at hand' to unabashedly inform her, once again, that, at least when I turned the vehicles keys on:
The vehicles always sing sweet music to my ears!!

That politely ended that conversation...and I even ended up having a few more days of "quiet time" as well!

I believe I forgot to mention that the above incident occurred while I had the tires off of the wheels of a Corvette
so I could give their Tire Pressure Monitoring System's sensors a: Proper-Cleaning.

Go figure.



07-12-2013, 08:41 AM
Here is a simple fact:

- If you detail you are OCD
- If you love multitasking you are ADD
- If you detail while multitasking and go manic for that period of time you are ADHD or bi-polar

All of those diagnosis have had such a bad rap because of the extremism in all of them. There is such a thing as a diagnosis of a functional bi-polar or functional OCD or functional (insert what ever alphabet soup).

Now, don't get me wrong this is not your carte blanche, or reasoning/validation, to seek medication. If you are not hindered in your daily life by any of those acronyms, then your "tendencies" (to use a term used in a previous post) are sub-clinical. You may be more at risk of succumbing to your tendencies then a person that suffers from the "I don't give a hoot" disease, but in no way do all person suffering from tendencies become "clinical".

Embrace your drive and dedication (which people that have none refer to as obsession to make themselves feel better about the fact they have none), and your attention to the minutia BUT always be mindful that it does not impact negatively your family, friends or even your health. You may be tempted to use a different terminology but don't forget that regardless if you use OCD or workaholic both have the same potential to become "clinical" and both can ruin your life.

Hi, my name is Claude and I am a OCD detailing freak (amongst one of few things). I've been blessed throughout my life because of the person I am, so I know for a fact that my "compulsions" are positive (sub-clinical), rather than negative (clinical).

davey g-force
07-12-2013, 03:54 PM
Embrace your drive and dedication (which people that have none refer to as obsession to make themselves feel better about the fact they have none), and your attention to the minutia...

I really enjoyed your post, especially this bit. :)

07-12-2013, 06:15 PM
I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 disorder and have been dealing with it through treatment over 20 years. I do have OCD that is just a result of my head helping me cope with my disorder. Detailing helps me find order in chaos. It's a step by step process that forces me to slow down the gerbil wheel in my head. I basically seek out order in my life that sometimes is very difficult when you have a family and FT job. Even worse the manic and depressive swings take there toll on your family which is the hardest part. Detailing is an escape. Even better I get paid for it.

tuscarora dave
07-12-2013, 06:52 PM
I have been known to do some real OCD detailing from time to time, but can be a real slob at home. Having no "other half" back at the homestead, I tend to allow things to get out of hand. I sometimes think things like..."Geez, where's the dog...and then realize he's made a fort out of my laundry pile.

Then there are times when I'll torment myself to no end on "presenting the car" to a customer, knowing darned well that he or she will never see the toweling marks that are driving me absolutely nuts.

Can't seem to learn much from reading, although I do retain certain information well once it's been read. I always have had to get my hands on it and then I can easily figure stuff out and learn how it works.

I've always thought I was OCD, ADHD, ADD or something but have never taken those concerns to a doctor to be diagnosed, but then again I self medicated with D&A from the age of 15 to the age of 35. With over 8 years clean and sober now I'm reluctant to even think about taking any type of pill if I were diagnosed.

I'm a mess...I don't know what's going on over here...:laughing::laughing::laughing:

07-13-2013, 01:23 AM
As an amateur, I smoke a joint between stages - so chemically induced OCD and helps the back. :)