View Full Version : What should I expect from Tuf Shine

07-06-2013, 05:35 PM
I'm now on Week 3 of Tuf Shine. I did 2 coats on the initial application and after a couple of rains, water - the gloss has dialed back and I can still see it's there, but I felt the need - and I topped it with 1 coat, just to bring back a smigen of black to it.

It's a daily driver that sits outside the garage 24/7 and with the slightest rain, most of the water dressings I use just doesn't last...

I've read up on a tonnage of Tuf Shine posts. Curious how long do you guys leave it alone before you *top* it off.

07-06-2013, 07:38 PM
I'm the same as you. I found it needed topping off after a few weeks, which is what I would do with just about every other tire dressing I own. Tuf Shine looks great at first and you can tell it's still on the wheel, but after awhile it's just not "fresh" looking.

I'm seriously thinking about going back to Meg's Endurance gel. Sadly, I don't think there will ever be a magic tire dressing that doesn't need some TLC every couple of weeks.

07-06-2013, 08:18 PM
mine were done with 3 coat about 2 months ago, and the shine is less intense, but the tires still look great, just like brand new tires,

if you like the wet look, this stuff is probably not going to cut it, but for me, I like having the constant matte/clean look, so I'm not complaining.

07-06-2013, 08:24 PM
once a month or so

07-07-2013, 06:37 AM
I was walking into this expecting to top it off every month to 1 1/2 month.

I've been off the forums for a good while to *kick the habit off* on buying new products. Then I stumbled upon a Tuf Shine Video or Thread, and I believe it was a pic of at it on Month 8-9, with no topping off initial dressing and it looked impressive. Then went the 50 zillion threads I read up on it.

On my tires, there was a hint of brown near the tops edges of the sidewall, with that area by the sidewall- tread being a bit more pronounced. Hence, the top off - just to blacken things up overall.

I've tried alot of dressings and have always stuck with Z16. Not for durability, but just for looks. Tuf Shine was going to be my compromise (I hate dressing tires, I dread it !). It's my least favorite item/chore to do