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07-04-2013, 05:21 AM
Hello fellow ag,

So I have been reading and researching, trying to learn as much as possible before trying any correction work. Now, I've come to a point where I need some advice... I have done two full details for my family and they are very happy, but the end results are not what I've had in mind. Let me clarify.. Now both cars are light colors, one being white and the other silver, so reflections are not as strong as say black cars. I did my usual regimen and both came out great swirl-free and most if not all scratches were gone. Its the reflection part that is killing it for me and I know every manufacture had different paint hardness. I think its orange peel but when i finish my passes it never comes out brilliant. Any advice? Thanks. Maybe I'm just crazy.

My regimen:
Wash - Meg GC & 2BM
Clay - Mothers clay & Meg GC from soap bucket as lube
Dry - Leaf blower, Meg water magnets, and mf towels
Tool - Harbor freight DA
Compound - M105 w/ cobra cross orange pad
Polish - M205 w/ blue polish pad
Wipe down - Meg D155
Wax - Meg Ultimate Liquid w/ black finishing pad

Here are some pictures:

2003 Toyota Sienna white
sliding door: (sorry about that one purple dot, its my phone camera lens)

2006 Honda Civic Hood

07-04-2013, 05:25 AM
Could it be some remaining hazing from the 105 that you weren't able to get out with M205? It could just be the quality of the pics.

07-04-2013, 05:29 AM
Both pics of the sienna are from my iphone, the civic was from my nikon. I don't think its my camera as I can kind of notice it just by looking at it..

07-04-2013, 05:30 AM
For example.. this is a forum members picture and it blows me away.

07-04-2013, 05:41 AM
So you all ready did the full correction and you want more "pop"?

I think the bug bit you too man lol. (Like it did me)

This is just a suggestion:
Maybe topping?

Congratulations btw your work looks great. (Applause)

07-04-2013, 05:45 AM
Thanks hernandez,

Topping huh? Such as carnauba?
I just feel my reflected lines aren't as clear or "straight" as others.. Crazy right...

07-04-2013, 05:47 AM
Are we ever satisfied, when it comes right down to it? The quest for that something "extra" will never end.

07-04-2013, 05:50 AM
LOL, maybe I am getting a little crazy.

Mike Phillips
07-04-2013, 05:52 AM
Now both cars are light colors, one being white and the other silver, so reflections are not as strong as say black cars.

Its the reflection part that is killing it for me

Lack of crisp, mirror-like reflections is a characteristic of light colored paints.

Nothing you can do about it except next time by darker colored paints.

Read this article...

"Black is not a color, it's a full time job" (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-expert-featuring-mike-phillips/57621-black-not-color-s-full-time-job.html)


07-04-2013, 05:53 AM
Check this out:


He calls it layering, I use the term topping. Same thing though

07-04-2013, 05:56 AM
Orange peel can reduce that jaw dropping reflections.

Do you have a brinkman gun? If you point it at the paint and it is free of swirls (may be harder to see on light colors) then you have the correction but if you if it seems hazy then you may not be finishing the paint right. It may be the paint, pad, or just your technique. Some paints with orange peel and just poor painting never look right.

07-04-2013, 06:00 AM
I have wondered how many times one can top or layer wax on top of wax. (Just for fun) lol

Spray Wax
More carnauba followed by more spray wax (just to see what happens)

On another note:
I talked to Meguiar's and asked them if I could mix Meg's no. 7 with water to distill it and make it a spray glaze.

They said I shouldn't because I will just have a big mess, cos of all the oils. haha,That ended that journey lol

07-04-2013, 06:03 AM
Check this out:

Sealant and Wax Step by Step on Ferrari F430 - /DRIVE CLEAN - YouTube (http://youtu.be/We_x09XCf6I)

He calls it layering, I use the term topping. Same thing though

Maybe next time I'll try this, I actually follow his videos regularly.
I've also wondered how many times I can layer ultimate wax on it.. If one thin layers equals at least a month or more of protection, then 6-8 layers would equal? lol

Lack of crisp, mirror-like reflections is a characteristic of light colored paints.

Nothing you can do about it except next time by darker colored paints.

Read this article...

"Black is not a color, it's a full time job" (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-expert-featuring-mike-phillips/57621-black-not-color-s-full-time-job.html)


Thanks, I guess there's not much more that I do at my level.

07-04-2013, 06:06 AM
Orange peel can reduce that jaw dropping reflections.

Do you have a brinkman gun? If you point it at the paint and it is free of swirls (may be harder to see on light colors) then you have the correction but if you if it seems hazy then you may not be finishing the paint right. It may be the paint, pad, or just your technique. Some paints with orange peel and just poor painting never look right.

That's actually on my next order.. I'll recheck the paint after I get a brinkman. For the moment I'm just using 4 4-bulb florescent over hanging lights.

07-04-2013, 06:10 AM
Maybe next time I'll try this, I actually follow his videos regularly.

Thanks, I guess there's not much more that I do at my level.

Feel good about your results.

I showed a fellow college student my car when going to get my backpack from my car.

They said, "what year is your car a 2012?"

I said "no just a 2003, but this is what I do, Detail"

Then thought about how I spend so much time on Auto Geek and how all the time spent. The results are finally showing.

You could buy a black car Chinky? Lol