View Full Version : Dead rodent smell

07-02-2013, 10:55 PM
Any ideas how to get rid of the smell??
Captured mouse in trap, then car starting stinking like you wouldn't believe!! Found the nest in the spare tire area but, no dead babies.
Really don't wanna start taking interior apart to look for dead mice..lol.
Now wife won't even drive the car (can't blame her, it's horrible)

07-03-2013, 07:12 AM
I'm sure there will be more replies, but ask at a janitorial supply store on what the police (ETC.) use to get rid of the de-comp smell. There are companies that 'specialize' in that kind of clean-up, maybe give them a call.

I had a mouse holocaust some years ago in the garage, and it took a major cleaning to remove the odor.

Short of literally washing everything, I personally really don't know.


07-03-2013, 08:01 AM
The first thing before taking on a job like this I always ask, “is the interior fabric or leather?” Fabric is always more challenging as orders like to cling deep into the fabric – as for leather, it's a matter of simply wiping things down.

You may have to get deep into the interior which means taking some things apart. Steam has always been my choice followed with an ozone generator and changing out the in-cab filter if applicable.

I have a 100% satisfactory rating in getting out odors, but I also have the equipment. With that being said, you may have to call someone. For a deep interior cleaning it shouldn't cost that much ($100 to $150) and about 6 hours depending on the size of the vehicle.

07-03-2013, 08:08 AM
You might have little choice to do some disassembly of some interior panels?

I would think that there would be no access to insides of door panels, that these are usually fairly well sealed against anything getting in there, but anything anywhere, where there might be something, some panel, with a hole, or crevice larger than a dime, you might have to remove to inspect.

Many of today's vehicles have things like fold down rear seats, so in such an instance, rodents could possibly infiltrate throughout the entire vehicle.

Sadly, and horribly, you might have to let your nose be your guide. If you smell such with the vent, or AC on, then for sure suspect the dashboard area.

You'll have to look up under seats, both front, and back. Perhaps a small mirror, and a flashlight might aid to investigate these hidden areas. Others might be side panels in the trunk area?

I would think that spraying anything, or cleaning till the cows come home, you will not fully succeed in getting rid of the smell if there's a dead rodent somewhere in the vehicle. All you'll do is mask the problem to a varying degree. Best of luck.

07-03-2013, 08:29 AM
If I was you, I'm stripping the car apart. I know it's a pain in the butt but masking it won't help in the long run. Once you find the source or at least try and knowing that's there's nothing left. Then you can start the cleaning and spraying.