View Full Version : Relearning to polish with opposite hand

07-02-2013, 05:30 PM
I'm just wondering if anyone has had to relearn polishing with their non dominant hand? Due to a rugby injury to my left shoulder and thumb, I've had difficulty controlling the head of the polisher for any more than an hour without some discomfort.
So naturally I tried to switch arms using my right hand on the head of the polisher but I can tell its going to take some time for the muscles involved to develop in my right arm.

07-03-2013, 07:29 AM
It does take time for the muscles to learn what they are supposed to do. But it can be done with time, sometimes a looong time.

Had to learn to 'shoot' with the non-dominate hand in the service, let's just say in the beginning the bad guys won that fight...LOL!
