View Full Version : A few newbie questions

06-03-2007, 02:41 PM
OK I am learning a great deal from you guys but I still have some questions.

1. I read where a lot of you use alcohol and water to strip the old wax off with. Well what dilution rate do you use to do this and what other alternatives are there?

2. I am seeing SO MANY abbreviations on here and am having a tough time figuring some out. I know many refer to products like DG for DuraGloss. But many still have me kind of scratching my head. I know when I see what many stand for I am going to feel really dumb for not figuring it out but I want to be sure what you guys are talking about. A couple of examples of ones I think I know but I'm not sure are APC and LSP. There are others so if someone would be so kind as to kind of give me a "Detailers abbreviations for Dummies" lesson I would greatly appreciate it and sure would help out a lot of us newbies.

3. And finally how do you guys make the stripes on carpeted floor mats when you do an interior detail?

Thanks in advance!

06-03-2007, 03:59 PM
1. I see people doing 1/1 ratio, so half alcohol half water :).

2. APC = All Purpose Cleaner. Some products abbreviate it to APC.
LSP = Last Step Product, i.e. a wax :)
http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/detailing-forum/5706-product-abbreviation-chart-acronyms.html here's the rest!

3. The stripes, I believe they take a vac attachment like a brush and just make stripes going back and forth while the carpet is a little little wet. I haven't done it, but that's what I remember reading.

06-03-2007, 04:32 PM
you got some great info above ... as for the stripper you can use the mix. You can purchase a couple of products like 3M Wax Remover, Acrysol, or Prepsol in commericial form. If you use an abrasive polish, dont worry, you dont need any of the above.

06-03-2007, 06:42 PM
Thanks guys as usual all my questions answered. I will now begin to commit the above list to memory!:)

06-04-2007, 03:30 AM
You don't have to remember everything all at once :). I remembered as I went by the abbreviations.