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06-30-2013, 11:40 PM
I used it today as a drying aid and there was a significant difference from the Pinnacle WW. It looked more super shiny.

The only drawback was I used about 8oz. from my 16oz bottle.

The gallon is $32.99
So that would give me 16 waxes from the gallon, are these calculations correct?

Opposed to Pinnacle WW
512 spray wax washes and WW wash.

Do they sell a spray wax/gloss concentrate?

Thank You

07-01-2013, 01:15 AM
You used way too much S&G. I use a spray for each panel and 2 for the hood and roof. That's really all you need.

07-01-2013, 06:36 AM
Geez dude, you used too much. A couple sprays per panel in a sweeping motion should do it.

Audi X2
07-01-2013, 06:43 AM
You used way too much S&G. I use a spray for each panel and 2 for the hood and roof. That's really all you need.


Any product like this requires a small amount-especially as a drying aid. A 16 oz. bottle should be enough product for a lot of vehicles.
I cannot imagine using 8 oz of any spray product on one vehicle unless it was an 18 wheel tractor/trailer.

07-01-2013, 07:09 AM
You used way too much S&G. I use a spray for each panel and 2 for the hood and roof. That's really all you need.

I agree also you do not have to use full sprays, this stuff goes a long long way!

07-01-2013, 09:22 AM
Oh did not know this haha... , I pretty much made sure each panel was thoroughly covered. (Woops) :)

Went to those self car washes and towards the end felt like I was being rushed because there was literally a line. Maybe cos of 4th of July? I thought I was going to go relax and take my time lol (but nope)

Still would like a concentrate version, if anybody has any suggestions?

Either way my car is super shiny now haha

07-01-2013, 09:23 AM
I used it today as a drying aid and there was a significant difference from the Pinnacle WW. It looked more super shiny.

The only drawback was I used about 8oz. from my 16oz bottle.

The gallon is $32.99
So that would give me 16 waxes from the gallon, are these calculations correct?

Opposed to Pinnacle WW
512 spray wax washes and WW wash.

Do they sell a spray wax/gloss concentrate?

Thank You


Like most others have said you only need very little of the product :nomore:

A fine mist or two per panel is plenty Less is better :xyxthumbs:

There is not a concentrate version of the product it is ready to use (you are basically diluting it once it hits the wet car anyway so you could call it a concentrate ;))


07-01-2013, 09:34 AM
I just ordered some of this from AGN.

Could this spray also be used for claying? And since it is a quick detailer, there seems to be this continuum with quick detailers on one end and waterless washes on the other end. So, could it be used as a waterless wash as well (using more product, obviously)?

07-01-2013, 09:36 AM

Like most others have said you only need very little of the product :nomore:

A fine mist or two per panel is plenty Less is better :xyxthumbs:

There is not a concentrate version of the product it is ready to use (you are basically diluting it once it hits the wet car anyway so you could call it a concentrate ;))


I might have spoken to you Chris when I asked if it could be used as a drying aid. And was told, Yes.

I should have asked how much to use as well. Oh well it happens.

Haha I made my own concentrate version.

The Spray gloss made a dramatic difference. People were leaning on my car felt like saying "Hey get off!" But didn't cos it was my lady's Dad. Lol haha

I'd buy a gallon of Poor Boys spray and gloss concentrate in a heartbeat.

Either way thank you! :)

07-01-2013, 10:59 AM
You should get by with an ounce for a normal car.

07-01-2013, 02:10 PM
I don't know if I am giving wrong advice or not, but if I am please correct me. If you want to conserve product, I have found a great way. Spray your drying towel rather than the panel. This is what I do and I found it works great, and I use less product. I will do 2 spritz' before I start drying to moisten/prime the towel. Then 1 spritz per panel after that, and 2 when I get back around to the hood. I hope this helps. I do it this way because I follow back around with a spray wax after EVERY wash, and that goes directly on the panel. All I am looking for the QD to do is lubricate the towel a little so it glides better.

07-01-2013, 02:54 PM
I don't think it's wrong I do that all the with the Pinnacle WW, but i could be wrong lol

07-01-2013, 03:38 PM
I don't know if I am giving wrong advice or not, but if I am please correct me. If you want to conserve product, I have found a great way. Spray your drying towel rather than the panel. This is what I do and I found it works great, and I use less product. I will do 2 spritz' before I start drying to moisten/prime the towel. Then 1 spritz per panel after that, and 2 when I get back around to the hood. I hope this helps. I do it this way because I follow back around with a spray wax after EVERY wash, and that goes directly on the panel. All I am looking for the QD to do is lubricate the towel a little so it glides better.

I too spray my towel before drying after spraying each panel with S&G. Works great on each panel including windows and trim.

07-11-2013, 03:54 PM
Washed my car this morning

Wet my car with the mini soap gun and sprayed off the dirt,

then soaked it with soap from the gun

2 bucket method with Meguiars Ultimate wash and wax Soap

While still wet I used Pinnacle WW as a drying aid, didn't mind if I sprayed to much because I have so much.

Dried with Chemical Guys Woolly Mammoth drying towel by caressing the car lol also lightly sprayed the towel with Pinnacle WW

Waxed with Collinte 476s (wasn't sure if I should since I already applied Pinnacle WW, but decided ehh why not lol)

Then wiped off wax

Then topped it with Poor Boys Natty's wax

Then for the final wipe I used Poor Boys Spray Gloss as an additional drying aid

2 sprays for the hood and 1 spray for each panel for the rest of the car for the most part. This way worked out great and I barely used any.

(To much wax?) lol

Thank You Guys

07-11-2013, 04:30 PM
Where's the review?