View Full Version : Well, they got me again!

06-30-2013, 09:32 PM
I tried very hard all weekend not to fall for another Autogeek sale. I put two coatings of EXO V2 on my car, took the kids to a ball game, went into work, etc. I thought I had it licked until I just noticed the 15% off included everything. Now I'm over $500.00 poorer.

I just had to order the 2 new Scholl Concept waxes, plus a few Bouncers, and some other car care stuff I'll never in my lifetime get a chance to use.

The worst part is I have coatings on all my cars. But good ol Dr. Oldz has a thread on another forum that has made me want every single wax made. Oh well, a little wax on top of a hybrid coating on top of a nano coating ain't going to hurt anyone.

My car is going to look like breaded pork chop by the time I'm done applying everything to it.

Actually the worst part is when my wife finds out and someone actually might be getting hurt.

06-30-2013, 09:39 PM
Oops. I did it again.

Shame on you. How dare you....