View Full Version : Best way to fix this scratch??

06-28-2013, 11:55 AM
Hello all. I've been reading through some boards but this is my first post. So I apologize for not meeting all criteria. I am sure I will get blasted for something Im doing wrong here. I just really wanted to ask some seasoned vets for some help!

I let me sister borrow my car and it came home with a giant scratch(es) on the back end. Its not super deep (my fingernail will get caught when rubbing over it but not very badly). I have attached some images. I have never done anything other than rubbing some compound over a scuff and hoping for the best. So I am about as unexperienced in this area as I could be. I have been looking into products and watching videos trying to determine best product and if they work well.

I came across (again I will probably get blasted for not labeling this correctly or for mentioning it but here goes) The Turtle Wax Scratch Remover Kit that I could pick up at my local auto part store. Would it would very well for something like this? If not does anyone have any good suggestions. I'd love to avoid having it done professionally because its going to be really expensive. I don't expect showroom results but I'd love to have it much better than that it is.

See the attached images. Sorry about the blue car next to me which sort of skews the colors. Mine is black, in case its unclear. One image is of both scratched areas, the other is closer up on the larger scratched area.

Thanks for the help ahead of time!

06-28-2013, 12:05 PM

06-28-2013, 12:09 PM
As being as inexperienced as you are take it to a body shop. If you say it catches easily on your fingernail than it is going to be wet sanded and then polished out. Since you dont have the equipment and skills this is not a job for you to try and tackle. They should be able to make it look better but not perfect.

06-28-2013, 12:10 PM
First off welcome to the forum! This is the last place you will ever get blasted for anything. This is a very friendly forum with great members to help you a long.

So onto you scratch, it seems as maybe Meguiar's Ultimate compound and some foam applicator pads will help you greatly. Although you said you can catch your fingernail on it you maybe able to minimize the scratch. You may not be able to remove it completely but thats ok.

I would wash you car doing the 2 bucket method then dry your car. Clay your car of just the spot you wish to work on.

Next you can either try Ultimate polish and check your results and see what you get or Ultimate compound and check your results.

You should always do two things a Test spot:

And the least aggressive method first. If you have to go with the Ultimate Compound you will want to follow up with Ultimate polish.

Here is some articles on working by hand:

If your looking to continue detailing then I would highly recommend looking into a DA (Dual Action Polisher). They are very user and beginner friendly and make correction much easier and faster.

Oh the things sisters can do!!

06-28-2013, 12:10 PM
Thanks for the video. Unfortunately, I think this process is a bit advanced for me. I'd be to afraid I am going to make things worse.

06-28-2013, 12:13 PM
Thanks for the info. I might try the Meguiars. I am really trying to avoid a body shop at all costs. Mostly because I just bought a new home and have SO many other things that are taking my money I just can't afford to drop $500+ on fixing a small area of paint.

Another note. This may be blasphemous and I apologize. But I'm not a big detailing my vehicle kind of guy. I usually keep it clean and TRY to keep it scratch free. I wash by hand to avoid the brush swirls, but thats about as far as it goes for me. I use my car for a comfortable commute but outside of that my vehicle is a tool for me. Just a tool I'd like to keep looking in decent shape.

So any opinions on the Turtle Wax Scratch Repair Kit? Would I be best to avoid it?

06-28-2013, 12:19 PM
Ive heard good things about Meguiars Scratch X 2.0 ... im going to try it this weekend possibly on some scratches my car has...

06-28-2013, 02:30 PM
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I think after doing some reading on the products suggested I am going to the give Meguiars Compound a shot, since its $10ish attempt. If that doesn't work, after I stop crying and being angry, I will move on to something stronger.

06-28-2013, 05:27 PM
A body shop will not charge you anywhere close to $500. I could see maybe $30-$50. This would not be respraying, just wet sanding and polishing. The process may take all of 15-20 min to do. If you were close to the va beach area I would gladly just fix it for the cost of materials. I try to help out a fellow member as much as possible.

06-29-2013, 06:18 PM
Update: Well I did try the Meguiars Ultimate Compound and it did not help. It diminished the appearance slightly but not did not fix it at all. I will also say I tried the compound on several other scratches of all different sizes and it did not help any of them.

Next step is either try the Turtle Wax Scratch Kit or take it to a shop. So no one has any opinions on the Turtle Wax option eh?

06-29-2013, 06:48 PM
So no one has any opinions on the Turtle Wax option eh?

I'm afraid people on this forum don't use products from that brand.

I googled and found this: http://www.turtlewax.com/product-detail.aspx?prodid=70

Looks like a resin to put in clear coat defect and then wet sand it to make it flat.

Since your scratch is white on black paint, I assume your scratch is through the paint to the primer (but not sure about it).

If so, the turtewax kit is not good enough. You need more like a touch up paint product, fill the scratch up and then sand it and polish flat. It's usually hard to do it, and most people end up having a bigger defect from sanding the clear coat away.

06-29-2013, 06:56 PM
Sounds like I am going to have to start contacting paint shops :(

07-08-2013, 12:52 PM
Update: (he says begrudgingly) I tried some compounds, nothing fixed it. Cheapest estimate I got was from Maaco (which I am not taking my car there, just wanted it as reference) and it was $300 :( FML.