View Full Version : White wine spill...

Mike McDonald
06-25-2013, 09:16 AM
Received an e-mail the other day about a white whine spill in their trunk. Said it soaked into the back seat, and the car now smells of alcohol.

From my knowledge, once it's soaked and dried their isn't much you can do about it. Is this true? My other thought was a polishing pad cleaner. It sounds silly, but it cleaners the pads of spent product, maybe it could clean the foam of a car seat?

Just looking for some insight on this so I can properly help this guy out...

Thank you!

06-25-2013, 10:05 AM
Hey Mike, the alcohol part evaporates so what you end up with is the actual fermented grape which is an organic based stain/residue which will respond to anything you would use to treat food based stain. If you have a hot water extractor, you could pretreat the area and then extract. If not you could try and use Folex (may need a couple of application if it soaked in to the cushions. I would definitely take the carpet out of the trunk and thoroughly clean it separately. You could take the back seat out as well, if you want to dive in that deep.

Mike McDonald
06-25-2013, 10:09 AM
Thank you for your input. I thought about doing something along those lines, ie taking the back seat out but I sort of feel it won't be worth it or might not work...

06-26-2013, 07:59 AM
The good Doctor is spot on! Especially the 'smell' part.

My wife makes wine and 'we' have had more than one oops moments (none in the car though) and his recommendations are right there.

Thank goodness that is was not red wine.
