View Full Version : Prep work for coatings question.

06-22-2013, 08:14 PM
Hello again everybody, I'm going to be buying some of GTechniq's EXO v2 coating either this evening or tomorrow. I have some clients (Including my own vehicle) that would prefer the extreme durability of a coating, but I wasn't sure about one thing...

On my own vehicle, I will most definitely be correcting swirls before putting on the coating. My client, however, would rather just pay for basic clay/cleaning before the Exo goes on. She's not the kind of person that worries about swirls and scratches, just that the paint is as well protected as possible.

My question is, will this hinder the bonding of Exo? I know this may be a less-than-intelligent question, but I wonder if the surface defects on her paint might somehow hinder Exo. It will be very thoroughly cleaned and clayyed, just not corrected. As recommended, I will be using GTechniq's wipe down beforehand as well. My gut says that this is not an issue, but I want to be sure before I charge her for the job!


06-22-2013, 08:17 PM
I don't think so. I have no experience with EXO, but I believe they say v1 can be used on interior pieces, fabric, and convertible tops. If it can stick to those surfaces, I can't see some clean swirls causing an issue.

06-22-2013, 08:27 PM
I don't think it will hurt the bond. In my opinion (yes I hate abbreviations!) the only problem I see is coatings tend to magnify defects so it might not look that great when you are finished. As long as the customer knows what she's getting and doesn't have crazy expectations you should be fine.

06-22-2013, 08:28 PM
Sounds about right. I've heard that CQuartz fills in some swirls, so I would assume that Exo is similar.
