View Full Version : Baked in Bird Poop

06-17-2013, 08:38 AM
I am a weekend warrior who occasionally detail friend's cars.
However, my car is pretty well maintained with weekly washes and all the stains I've come across thus far came off with ease.

Now to the meat of this thread... this past weekend I did a quick wash, clay and wax on a friend's conversion van and on the rims, found a nasty bird bomb that has been pretty much baked in and it looks like its been there for months! I initially went after it with Megs Hot Rims All Wheel and Tire cleaner and the wheels looked great except, the bird bomb was still there. I then applied fine grade clay.... only made a small dent. I tried leaving a wet towel on it to rehydrate for about 30 minutes.... that stubborn sucker laughed at me and said NO THANK YOU! This is clear coated wheels so my question is any recommendation on OTC product to make this easier? The reason why I am asking for a OTC product is that he was so impressed with my work on his paint anyways, he wanted me to work on another car and I am going back this coming Saturday and don't have too much time to wait for products to be mailed. That bird poop has been on my mind ever since and it has been annoying me.

06-17-2013, 09:11 AM
The bird bomb might have eaten away at the clear coat. Might try using full strength apc or even hit it with a compound.
I did a paint correct on a vehicle that had bird droppings on the hood, only made it less apparent. Those suckers can do damage if left unattended.

06-17-2013, 09:21 AM
I have Simple Green APC... I know this can potentially damage aluminum... I am also thinking since this wheel is clear coated, it really shouldn't damage the finish and regardless, I should not be too liberal with use and try to concentrate on the bird poop as much as possible. However, since this poop has really been baked in, I am thinking I should let the APC to kind of sit on it for a bit for it to have any kind of impact on it. Any thoughts on this? Should I not let it sit?

06-17-2013, 09:33 AM
I have Simple Green APC... I know this can potentially damage aluminum... I am also thinking since this wheel is clear coated, it really shouldn't damage the finish and regardless, I should not be too liberal with use and try to concentrate on the bird poop as much as possible. However, since this poop has really been baked in, I am thinking I should let the APC to kind of sit on it for a bit for it to have any kind of impact on it. Any thoughts on this? Should I not let it sit?

I would just spray on, scrub down real good & rinse off. Also inspect closely to see if the bird dropping ate away at the clear coat. You could be scrubbing at the "stain" when it might just be clear coat damage.

06-17-2013, 09:36 AM
For a readily available OTC compound you might want to hit up a local retail store like Advanced, Autozone or Walmart and pick up a bottle of

Meguiars Ultimate Compound
Meguiars Ultimate Compound, polishing compound, rubbing compound, meguiars rubbing compound, meguires, meguiars polish, auto compound polish (http://www.autogeek.net/meguiars-ultimate-compound.html)

Easy to work with and cheap.

If its etched the clear coat chances are its not going to totally disappear but I would bet you can improve it to some extent.

06-17-2013, 09:43 AM
I have UC and M105 in my arsenal.
I am prepared for what to do on the etching but it is the bird poop itself I am trying to remove. It's kind of hard to believe that this thing is baked on so well that it refuses to come off. Almost as if it become a part of the wheel.

Will definitely try APC on MF towel.

06-17-2013, 03:16 PM
Has anyone tried seltzer tablets on dried bird poop?

Tips to Remove Bird Droppings and Bug Spots from Your Car - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com (http://voices.yahoo.com/tips-remove-bird-droppings-bug-spots-your-3312254.html)

06-17-2013, 03:29 PM
Another thought popped up while reading that seltzer tablet article...
Coca Cola... it is supposed to have some dissolving power... I just wonder...

06-17-2013, 09:04 PM
I would advise to get a safer rim cleaner than simple green. In my early days when I knew better than to use it I messed up a $300 rim not paying attention

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