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06-14-2013, 07:55 AM
Right now I am at the dealer getting my scheduled service and I can hear the roar of the rotary.... got shivers down my spine. Altho my work order has no detail in it I had to run back to my service advisor to remind them NOT to wash my car.

06-14-2013, 08:09 AM
What gives you the impression that this rotary had any connection to your vehicle? You heard something but couldn't place the scene of any due wrong?

06-14-2013, 08:09 AM
Last time i had to tell my service guy twice to remind the guy not to do a wash. After getting my car back 2 days later the car was indeed washed :(

06-14-2013, 08:24 AM
You need to tell them to put a paper on the window that said "No Wash"

06-14-2013, 08:33 AM
What gives you the impression that this rotary had any connection to your vehicle? You heard something but couldn't place the scene of any due wrong?

Altho my work order has no detail in it...

I never said it did... in fact i stated it did not.

06-14-2013, 08:38 AM
I never said it did... in fact i stated it did not.

But it sure reminded you in a hurry the potential damage those hacks at the "stealership" can inflict on your paint :props:

The idea of the paper on the window is a good one. I normally tape a note to the steering wheel (myself), and I explicitly tell them that they will be responsible for any damage to the truck if they do indeed wash it without consent. I do that holding the keys towards the service manager (not the car runner), and being 6'6" I do get their attention, as they are normally reaching for my keys above their heads Im the MAN

06-14-2013, 08:40 AM
I hang my own signs from the rear view, the shifter, and place one on the dash AND remind the adviser to NOT wash my vehicles. It has worked so far, but I still get a knot in the pit of my stomach whenever I have to take any of them in for anything.

06-14-2013, 08:43 AM

I leave this in my car so that I can put it on my dash any time my car is being serviced. I also remind them, just to be safe.

The service manager remembers me as "the guy who won't let us wash his car"... which is OK with me.

06-14-2013, 08:57 AM
This Monster ate my Denali two weeks ago...even though the Service Advisor wrote a huge note on the Ticket and highlighted it in Yellow

I highly suggest printing up a sign and placing it on the driver's side window.

It is amazing what one of these machines can do...especially when the vehicle is left to dry in the sun and then a filthy towel is run across it a few times.

Took me 4 hours to correct

They also made my tires look like a Rap Video

The picture of the windshield gives you an idea of just how poorly the vehicle was treated.

The kids in Nuevo Laredo do a better job with two rags and a coffee can full of water!

06-14-2013, 10:52 AM
Right now I am at the dealer getting my scheduled service

-I can comprehend taking a vehicle to a dealership for recall/warranty-service...

-But not for: "scheduled-service".

[The latter example would also eliminate any chances of having unwanted car washes
performed on vehicles by a dealership (or dealership-contracted) employees.]

Nuevo Laredo
The memories of the Ladies down in Boys' Town.



06-14-2013, 02:22 PM
^ I wholeheartly agree just that I am being a big p___y and don't want any potential issues with future warranty work. Once the warranty is up.. will be shopping for an independent shop. :)

06-14-2013, 02:24 PM
Dude, I have so done that. Make them write it in block letters on the work order.

Right now I am at the dealer getting my scheduled service and I can hear the roar of the rotary.... got shivers down my spine. Altho my work order has no detail in it I had to run back to my service advisor to remind them NOT to wash my car.

06-14-2013, 04:56 PM
Just keep the keys and tell them if they need to move it to give you a call... :)

06-14-2013, 06:57 PM
Back when I had my Mazda3, I took it in service to replace a couple of door handles and the service writer was kinda stunned over how clean it was inside and out, lol. I remember the same car passed mine on the way in and the paint was so dull... the paint on my Mazda3 was so deep and glossy. I did mention to the writer not to have it washed. He said, "I understand." :laughing:

Eventually, a trip to the body shop ruined the paint. Asked them not to wash it and they agreed, but it still got washed. I was not happy.

06-14-2013, 07:10 PM
...... I had to run back to my service advisor to remind them NOT to wash my car.

When I take our BMW in for BMW, they look at me funny when I say "DO NOT WASH MY CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".

I was talking to a guy with a gorgeous newer marina blue M6 convertible last time I was there. He laughed and said "I thought I was the only one who refuses to let anyone else touch my cars". We got talking and he owns several high end cars and details them all. We had a nice chat about detailing and cars in general.