View Full Version : Cleaning mold from the interior of a car

06-08-2013, 05:13 PM
Hello everyone.

I need some guidance on this topic. I am new to detailing and my wife's aunt wants me to detail a truck for her that has been sitting for 2 years. The exterior I am told has some oxidation and algae on it, which I can tackle with no problem.

The inside I am being told has mold growing in it. I am no idea what to use to kill it and get rid of it.

She wants to get the truck ready to sell.

Anyone have any tips?Feed back please

AC in OC
06-08-2013, 05:20 PM
This was recently brought up in an interiors post that was done last week. Pretty disgusting stuff. If you're going to attempt this, make sure you protect yourself.



06-10-2013, 01:02 PM
+1 on protecting yourself first and foremost. Breathing those mold spores can wreak havoc on your health.
Use a dedicated mold removal product, and a dehumidifier. Another big problem is that the mold spores get everywhere:
-A/c vents and hoses
-under seats
-under the dash
-every crevice
-in the carpet
Some places recommend using an ozone machine but this isn't very effective and it still leaves the spores in the vehicle

06-10-2013, 01:04 PM
You can find a tyvek suit that covers the whole body. Breathing protection is paramount in handling mold. An N95 mask or an air purifying respirator will do well in that situation. All depends on your budget.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using AG Online

06-10-2013, 03:16 PM
+1 on protecting yourself first and foremost. Breathing those mold spores can wreak havoc on your health.
Use a dedicated mold removal product, and a dehumidifier. Another big problem is that the mold spores get everywhere:
-A/c vents and hoses
-under seats
-under the dash
-every crevice
-in the carpet
Some places recommend using an ozone machine but this isn't very effective and it still leaves the spores in the vehicle

sorry man i have to disagree i use an ozone machine all the time it is very effective if used properly

06-10-2013, 03:52 PM
In 97 when there was a study done on the effects of ozone on mold, it was found to be ineffective after holding the contaminated area in a 9ppm level of ozone for 23 hours. Plus mold remediation requires removal of the mold contamination not just killind it. The dead dry mold can still be hazardous.

I'm not saying it wouldn't help, I just wouldn't use it as my go to decontamination method for killing the spores.

Ozone machines do have their place. I use them in odor removal process' frequently.