View Full Version : Signature first then Soveran ??

06-06-2013, 11:06 AM
The Pinnacle line is new to me as I just used the Signature wax on both my maroon and my silver vehicles for the first time. Definitely more pronounced on the maroon than the silver which makes sense due to the natural contrast between base color and shine.

What I've read so far, the Sig. lasts a little longer than the Soveran. Has anyone combined the two, using Sig first then the Soveran to get the best of both worlds or is the difference in longevity too small to be worthy.

As far as finish, the Signature performed quite admirably, in my opinion, on both colors. Unfortunately for now, my garage is too cluttered to house my cars, and after a couple of weeks in harsh sun and downpours the finish is holding up well.

A little more luster on the Silver fleck is all I'm striving for, though I realize it's more difficult on brighter colors. The car's only a couple of months old and the surface texture is quite slick. I'm pretty anal about personally washing correctly. I don't even take a towel to them. The leaf blower comes in handy to prevent any swirl marks from being created. (Disclaimer: try at your own risk) It dries the cars quite thoroughly including all of the nooks where water tends to hide. I just make it policy always use two hands to prevent a catastrophe.

thanks for any incite,


06-06-2013, 11:41 AM
What about liquid Soveran wax Topped with either Signature or Soveran paste? Liquid Soveran says Best On: All colors, particularly light colors. Soveran Paste says Best On: Black, red, and dark colors. I just bought some Liquid Soveran and am going to try out different combos this weekend. I have a Silver Avalon and a Black Lexus. (They are right when they say I own the silver and the Black owns me!)