View Full Version : Just Tired of loosing stuff in the Shop

06-03-2013, 08:03 PM
Man that I´m pissed again and again just keep on loosing stuff around the shop.

New MFTowels / Spray detailers I use like the Pig Spit / Vac accesories / New helper? Old helper?

###.... Man I think I´ll just lock everything in a Safety Locker I think will be the Answer for this 2feet Rat That I have in the Shop

06-04-2013, 11:26 AM
I, too, detest thieves and thievery!!

I would:
-Put up some surveillance cameras. And/Or:
-Hire a Gumshoe


Setec Astronomy
06-04-2013, 11:30 AM
Are you sure they aren't just getting left in the customer's car? That's a common new mechanic problem is leaving his tools in cars and then accusing his fellow mechanics of stealing them. Maybe that stuff just wound up under the seat at the end of a session.

06-04-2013, 12:26 PM
Are you sure they aren't just getting left in the customer's car? That's a common new mechanic problem is leaving his tools in cars and then accusing his fellow mechanics of stealing them. Maybe that stuff just wound up under the seat at the end of a session.

Yes ofcourse it can happen / But when I see & count my stock of Mftowels and just see that I´m missing like 30?

I want to use the spray detailer / and is the second in a row that is missing.

I have a rule here / use it, put it back were you grab it. tools / accesories / hose´s / I do a final inspection for work & for the tools we use on the car or products, that´s why I can say / I have a Rat here at the shop

More difficult for us, since We make trips to L.A / Like every 3 or 4months / Purchased what we need / and to have this Problem just make me reall angry

I´ll be way more carefull know on

06-04-2013, 12:42 PM
A nice little surveillance camera kit with 4 cameras and a 500gb dvr can usually be had for around $150. Shouldn't have to do this but it should stop the issue.

06-04-2013, 05:13 PM
surveillance equipment is a great idea/deterrent. The equipment will pay for itself as you find the guilty party.

I share your anger, dishonest people make the price of goods increase, cause more work and time to catch them and it's just wrong.

Hopefully you can catch the guilty individual (s) and prosecute them. In the interim, lock up the supplies and only keep minimal products around the shop. This will make it easier to keep a mental inventory during work hours. If a product is needed you go to the locker and get it and re-lock. Might be a little inconvenient but it could slow down the items that have seemed to grow "legs."

Good luck!

06-04-2013, 05:30 PM
It sux being stolen big time .

06-04-2013, 05:46 PM
U gotta have a meeting and just ask where it is... If they don't want to say involve the police.

06-04-2013, 05:47 PM
I would also say if the stuff reappears no harm done.

Detailing by M
06-05-2013, 12:48 PM
call the cops, get a simple web cam security system.
Tell your employees they will be arrested if they are caught steeling. You can arrest them yourself, "citizen arrest".
Put those thieves in there place, jail.

06-05-2013, 01:00 PM
The Camera will be a great help Like you guys said. / I been more carefull know. I did already put some products in one of the small rooms we have here at the shop / is like the storage in a way.

I guess is something that all the shops in a way have. the missing or stolen part!

thanks guys for the Advise!!

06-05-2013, 02:11 PM
The Camera will be a great help Like you guys said. / I been more carefull know. I did already put some products in one of the small rooms we have here at the shop / is like the storage in a way.

I guess is something that all the shops in a way have. the missing or stolen part!

thanks guys for the Advise!!

Get some cameras! If this is your business, man up a bit and call these guys out. You can't be a leader and not lead. :xyxthumbs:

06-05-2013, 02:26 PM
It also begs the question on if they are stealing the items to work on projects "on the side" vs through your shop which is hurting your bottom line in more ways than one.