View Full Version : Rebuilding after a fire..

06-01-2013, 02:27 PM
Well guys, I'm new here, found this place while searching for a new orbital.

I'm not a total newb, but I might as well be. Had an orbital from Autozone and I've always taken good care of my cars, had a pretty extensive collection of the products available at Autozone, but never really branched out beyond that. I had a house fire back in January that took everything I had, saved my cars but I currently own 1 bottle of Blingmaster. LOL.

Well, I'd like to take "advantage" of the fire to get started back right.

Current cars:

1997 heavily oxidized Green Integra that sits in the work commuter parking lot. It'll be my orbital technique improver. ;)

2000 white Trans Am that the paint is in very good shape. It lives in the garage, comes out on weekends.

2007 white Hummer H3 with excellent paint

2010 white Subaru Impreza WRX in very good shape as well.

I like white vehicles. LOL

So, I'm going to be picking up a PC7424XP and was looking at the kits sold here and thought I'd post.

Lets assume you lost all your equipment and were starting over like me.

What would you buy?

06-01-2013, 02:36 PM
Welcome aboard . That fire really sux mate , hope you ll get back on track soon .

06-01-2013, 03:07 PM
Welcome aboard . That fire really sux mate , hope you ll get back on track soon .

We've pretty much recovered. Just getting back on track. ;)

Thanks for the welcome.

06-01-2013, 03:14 PM
No problem mate . Keep it on .

06-01-2013, 03:54 PM
Welcome to the forum!

06-01-2013, 04:01 PM
Welcome. If I lost everything, and was looking for a polisher, I probably get all Rupes polisher, pads, and polishes. The one caveat is, you can't use 3" pads on a Rupes machine, you have to get a second smaller machine (Rupes). So, if you need 3" pads, a Griots may be better (unless you want to buy multiple machines.

Based on your cars, I would probably get Optimum Compund, Polish II, and Finish Polish (if going with a PC or a Griots). They are very good and easy to use. They are SMAT, so they should work well on light colored cars.

06-01-2013, 04:33 PM
Welcome to the club. Sorry to hear about the fire. I personally have a PC and I like it a lot. I myself am also an OTC detailer and usually stick with what I can buy locally. I'm partial to Meguiars products because I've always had the best results with them. Too fraud to venture off lol.

06-01-2013, 08:59 PM
Thanks guys.

I think I'll start with a "swirl" reduction kit and maybe something with some more cut to clean up my integra.