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View Full Version : Getting Sold on High Quality MF Towels

VP Mark
05-27-2013, 06:03 PM
So for years I've been a ProForce towel guy from Sam's Club.

Let's face it, they work. As long as you recycle them or downgrade them to interior duty after they start to get wore out, they are golden. For production style detailers they will always have their place just because of cost.

It all started a couple of months ago... I bought a couple of Gold Plush Jr.'s to primarily use for wax removal, then a month or so later got some miracle towels on BOGO and found out how amazing they are for cleaning glass, claying, QD's.

I think I'm sold now. I've got a 6 pack of the B&S rinseless wash MF's on the way, and will be ordering a few more 6 packs if these turn out good. I've also got a 6 pack of Woobies and a 6 pack of miracle towels in the shopping cart. It will probably be a few weeks before I make another order but they will be in the party when I do.

Has anyone else ran into this? I feel like I could indefinitely use the ProForce towels, but the higher quality towels just make my job easier, faster, and definitely help mitigate missing spots on windows, wax removal, etc. so that I don't have to do things twice.

I guess the moral of the story is, try new products out, they can make your life better. :dblthumb2:

05-27-2013, 06:44 PM
Have cheap Costco MF towels & have some Zymol & other ones as well

05-27-2013, 06:49 PM
I agree with the great cost and quantity of towels you get with Proforce. But I have built up a small collection of super plush exclusive paint correction towels that I store in closed bins in my van. I dedicated them to compound/polish removal and wax/sealant removal. I use the the Proforce Orange Towels for my maintenance washes with polymer spray to dry the vehicle. I use the Blue Ones for glass only. and the green ones for interior only. After much use they all become interior or rim/tire/jamb towels.

05-27-2013, 07:44 PM
I've used higher quality ones and haven't really seen much of a difference? I buy them in bulk on ebay and end of throwing most of them away fairly quickly after use, the choice ones will get washed and turned into interior rags.

05-27-2013, 08:02 PM
I'll be honest here . when I first just got started about 3 years ago I never knew I'd get into it as much as I have . I'll admit the first thing I did was go buy 2 packages of each color of them proforce mf towels . I had to start somewhere with something cheap that worked and made me happy at the time . after all I needed machine , pads and products too . shortly the bug bit me and wanted more and better . my proforce towels basically became my non paint towels and I've built up my collection of good quality towels for paint . bottom line, use what u want , if it makes u happy that's all that matters .

VP Mark
05-27-2013, 08:27 PM
I'll be honest here . when I first just got started about 3 years ago I never knew I'd get into it as much as I have . I'll admit the first thing I did was go buy 2 packages of each color of them proforce mf towels . I had to start somewhere with something cheap that worked and made me happy at the time . after all I needed machine , pads and products too . shortly the bug bit me and wanted more and better . my proforce towels basically became my non paint towels and I've built up my collection of good quality towels for paint . bottom line, use what u want , if it makes u happy that's all that matters .

That's kind of where I'm at. Now that ive seen the quality difference and how it makes such a difference I can see myself slowly phasing out the pro force towels except for interiors.

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05-27-2013, 08:47 PM
Pm'ed yah

05-28-2013, 05:04 AM


Yeah I kinda came unglued after seeing so many microfibers in one place on my first Sam's visit ever, and ended up with 8 packs! I only had a one day pass so I had to make it count. And of course I had to have each color! You could say microfibers are becoming a problem for me!

But, I have a full collection of high-end towels as well for paint use only (Cobras/Carpro etc).

Sam's towels I use for EVERYTHING else. It's nice to have several different grades of towels for different uses. The higher end ones with have much more fibers per square inch than the Sam's. I believe it might be around 90,000 for Proforce but like 220,000 or something for the Cobras/Expensive ones. Nice to have the best of both worlds.

05-28-2013, 05:47 AM
I bought some MF's from Target when they had a sale going last spring. They seemed great at the time, mainly because it was the first time I had used MF towels. Then, later in the summer (last year) I noticed little time particles were being left behind. I noticed it on glass and mirrors mostly. It looks as though these cheapo's shed their fibers. How do the cheaper ProForce towels do with shedding?

05-28-2013, 05:50 AM
I don't know how any professional could use those sam's or costco mf towels on paint. I have the costco ones, but only for use as crap duty on engine, exhaust pipes, and drying the fenderwell.

If you care about treating your paint right you need the really good stuff and match different grades of towels for each type of job. Like 360 gsm towels for interior and 700 gsm for qd.

05-28-2013, 06:29 AM
Most of the comments here I agree with you all on. I, too, started out on ProForce back in 2008. However, back THEN, the quality seemed much better and I got a lot of uses out of them with no issues. I had purchased several other packs since that time, but the quality seems different now and they were not performing as well as I expected.

Since newer cars are now in my fleet, I decided to spend the extra money and buy some Cobra waffle weave and Plush towels. I also bought glass cleaning towels and ones specifically for dirty work. I am more impressed with the quality so far and these are used exclusively on the newer cars with great results. The ProForce ones; when they go, they go. They absorb nothing and are useless.

05-28-2013, 07:39 AM
My thing is that I'm concerned about the shedding, even the lower cost "high quality" towels. This shedding didn't show up right away, so it makes me wonder if the cheaper versions change manufacturers often..?