View Full Version : How do you store your supplies?

05-24-2013, 07:46 PM
I'm always interested in hearing how people organize their supplies. With me, it's always a battle of what can earn it's place in what tends to be very limited storage space.

Attach a picture of your setup!

Below is my newly re-organized supply stash. The majority of the things on my shelving unit consist of various meguiar's supplies and other miscellaneous things. Most of my really good stuff is in my Go-Bag which gets taken to mobile detailing appointments. In other news, the FK 1000P in this picture is newly added. I'll be testing it and posting a review soon because there can never be too many opinion reviews to help potential buyers.


05-25-2013, 04:49 PM
I have five large metal cabinets in my garage. My tools, brushes, MFs, soaps, and stuff like that stay in them in the garage. I also keep my AC tools and freons in them.

The waxes, G products, Opticoat(s) and so on stay in the house in their own cabinet. Much more stable temperature and humidity.

05-25-2013, 05:27 PM
In my finished basement. Constant 60 degrees.

05-25-2013, 05:44 PM

I was told that my Snap On rotary with wool pad might have been found I just need to go pick it up and my my old compound and polish bottles with 3M inside.

So might keep adding to my arsenal

05-25-2013, 07:56 PM
Would you guys agree that a constant temperature and humidity is necessary for boutique waxes? If so, I may move mine inside and keep all of them in my portable bag. I normally keep the bag inside anyways simply because I don't like leaving it in the garage for spiders to explore... =O Hate those buggers.

As of now, the only things in my bag (Kept inside) are the necessary items for a mobile detail. Some UWW+ pre-mixed, a small bottle of BFWD, some WG spray sealant, a few Poorboys glaze/polishes, my DA and some pads, as well as some other misc items that I may need at a detail. There is certainly room in my bag for anything that might be better suited by an indoor climate, I just like to keep the bag light.

05-25-2013, 09:14 PM
Just went through a major reorganization. I keep all paste waxes upstairs. I only have a single car garage, so I have given a lot of thought to my setup. But, still running out of space.



Buckets (and other stuff) hang from a cable so I'm not tripping on them.




More stuff on the wall.


Made this for the Werner Work Platform, as it takes up a lot of space when not in use:




Workbench clicks on and off for when I need it out of the way.


Out of the way:


This is how it attaches:


Use the pole for the Montana Boars Hair 10" Brush as a towel rack:



Put dirty towels here, out of the way. If it gets to full I just use a bigger bucket.


05-25-2013, 10:36 PM
Wow, thank you SwanicyYouth!! I can imagine that my garage will someday look like that. =D Hopefully that organized too!

I also see that you keep many sample-sized items on hand as I do. I have yet to buy a full bottle of BFWD or WG's sealant. I just keep getting the sample sizes with my orders because they last forever anyways. =D

I also noticed that you have Zymol's Field Glaze. How do you like it? I've heard very good things about it. I picked up their OTC spray glaze thinking that it would be similar, but I wasn't too happy with it at all. Granted, their OTC glaze is half the price of their true field glaze, so I imagine the field glaze is considerably better. What's your take on it?


05-25-2013, 10:38 PM

05-25-2013, 10:41 PM

Sticking to a handful of great products, I like it. My collection has gotten a little cluttered because I keep trying new things. But now I've found my staple products that I can commit to in the long run. V7, UWW+, Blacklight, BFWD, Supernatural, etc.