View Full Version : Memorial day detailing

05-23-2013, 07:34 PM
Hi AG. I order some products this week and they should be here by friday here is what I ordered
optimum tire gel
iron x decontamintate
chem guys leather cleaner
meguiars wash mitt

How do I use iron x and v7? should I do a dawn 50/50 mix then iron x or should I just iron x after a wash ?

05-24-2013, 12:59 AM
You can just IRONX before the wash Bill. I know you've read it smells bad, but BOY does it smell bad. Enjoy that one brother! ;)

I wouldn't do it in sunlight though. And don't let it dry. Really helps wheels get super clean as well.

If I'm using it on wheels I'll spray it first and let it dwell. Then go back with the first coat of wheel cleaner and let it dwell for a few seconds and rinse the whole lot off. Afterwards I'll go back and really clean the wheel like it needs.

I've managed to get myself to the point where I literally NEVER use less than half a dozen brushes to wash a wheel, tire and wheel well. Between wheel well brushes, woolies, Daytona brushes, tire brushes and a soft all around brush that's 7 right there. But BOY do the wheels get clean when I do a job on um'. ;)