View Full Version : Went shopping for new washer and dryer last night... and that is when I discovered I have an extreme problem.

05-14-2013, 09:47 AM
My fiance and I just bought a house last week, so we have begun to search for some of the new necessities that we will need to fill up our new space. A washer and dryer is among the top priority, as we obviously need clean clothes! So we went to a local appliance store last night and began looking at everything. I have never really looked at any appliances, but apparently they are available in various colors, metallic flake, etc. Being a detailer, I was obviously drawn to the shiniest models that were on display... it was then that I realized I am cursed.

"Hi my name is Zach, and I have a problem"

As we continued to look at the various models and the sales person explained to us the benefits of one versus the other, all I could notice was the scratches and swirls on the surface of these machines!

I found myself wondering...

"Are these powder coated or painted?" ...
"I wonder how hard the coating is... will it polish out easily?"...
"I wish I would have brought my Paint Thickness Gauge so I could see how much material I have to work with."...
"I wonder which wax would look best on this color?"...

Yup, I could barely even focus on the features that were being explained to me by the sales person because I was so interested in the surface flaws. :doh:

05-14-2013, 09:50 AM
Haha, you do have a problem as we all do. That's funny...but true. Washers/dryers have a ton of swirls, i've noticed it too before.

05-14-2013, 10:13 AM
Yes, I think we all have this as another sense now.

05-14-2013, 08:50 PM
I waxed the front of the dishwasher last week. Makes it easier to clean :)

Congrats on the house.

05-14-2013, 08:55 PM
And here I thought I was the only one this messed up. Lol

My wife placed the laundry soap on top of the washer and I cringed.

05-14-2013, 08:59 PM
Just last week I applied DG 501 by hand to our washer and dryer. My wife talked me out of polishing since you could only see faint swirls under extreme artificial light. They turned out great anyway!