View Full Version : Review: Rupes 21 and B&S MF pads vs Megs MF pads

05-11-2013, 02:13 PM
let me start off by saying the weather in new orleans has been terrible lately. I've been waiting for a day free of weather and clinicals to try out my new stuff. Today was supposed to rain all day but looked like it was clearing so while my little one napped, I ran outside and tried them out. I tried my best to get pics but it was very over cast today and the pics came out terrible so I will just tell you my thoughts.

Vehicle: 2010 chevy silverado with hard clear

Rupes 21 with 5" bp: Its the real deal! so smooth, minimal vibrations on the higher speeds compared to lower speeds. I found the less pressure the better; however, slow arm movement is still a must. as someone else has stated it is not a magic swirl removing machine but it is a pleasure to use.

Megs vs B&S mf pads: as much as I wanted the B&S to blow the megs out of the water, it never happened. I find the quality of the BS pads to be much higher; however, there were significantly more micro marring with the BS. I also felt it took more product to properly prime the BS pads bc the mf nap is much "thicker" imo. I used M101 and found there to be more dusting compared to the Megs pads. I do think just by the feel that the BS pads will take much more abuse than the megs pads. All micromarring was cleared upwith m205 and a white hybrid pad.

m101: long working time but a little more dusting then i was expecting. Dusting---m105>m101>d300 imo. plenty of cut as expected. did not try with foam though as i know it was specifically designed for foam pads.

finally here is my hood corrected with 2 coats of Opticoat 2.0---which turned out to be super easy to use.

05-11-2013, 02:18 PM
Nice job. I think you nailed it. The durability of the B&S MF pads is better than the Meg's MF pads, but the overall performance of the Meg's is noticeably better.

On a side note, the thicker MF of the B&S pads crates more drag, therefore slowing down backing plate rotation.

05-11-2013, 02:28 PM
Yea definitely thicker pad and nap. It took considerable more product to properly prime the b&s pads.

05-11-2013, 03:16 PM
Yea definitely thicker pad and nap. It took considerable more product to properly prime the b&s pads.
I think if B&S cut down the thickness of the foam and MF material, it would be a WINNER!!!

05-11-2013, 03:20 PM
thank you for the review, looks like I'll hold off buying these pads until a strong consensus is made as to the performance of it.

I have some megs ones and I really like them :)