View Full Version : Candy White G6 Gti - Detailed (again) By Lawrence

05-10-2013, 12:43 AM
So I first detailed this car toward the end of Feb.... original write up here http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/show-n-shine/61279-candy-white-g6-gti-detailed-lawrence.html

The owner went up to Gauteng (about a 750 mile round trip) last week and in an attempt to prevent 'roadrash' and chips, he decided to tape up the car. A good idea in principal, but using the wrong product or leaving it on too long, or excessive heat or a combo of all 3, lead to some problems.... I don't know why he never called for some advice upfront.... .:bash:

When removing the tape there was a significant amount of glue reside left behind and not wanting to do any further damaged during the removal process I was asked if I could take car of it during the evenings this week after work.







I started off by giving the car (including the wheels / door jambs / boot jamb / petrol cap etc) a thorough wash before I got to work with AF Oblitarate to remove all the glue residue. The product worked really well at dissolving the residue and although a few of the worse areas required a second hit, for the most part the glue residue removal was an easy process, albeit very time and product intensive.

In the process I discovered some rather nasty water spots and after discussing this with the owner I was told that these were caused whilst up in Gauteng - seemingly some very hard water there. By far the worse area was the sunroof.


A few MF cloths soaked in white vinegar were placed onto the glass surface and left there overnight and during the following day whilst I was at work to help break down the minerals. I then followed this up with Autoglym Glass Polish and got 95% of them gone.


The vehicle was then clayed before I used a Lake Country Green Pad with Meguiars Ultimate Polish making 4 passes to remove these water marks and generally clean up the paint a little.





I then dressed the tires and all exterior trim, cleaned the windows and laid down 2 coats of Collinite #845.

A few pics I snapped this afternoon when the owner collected the vehicle.

While still in the garage


Then outside under overcast skies






http://i1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd393/polo_playa/Detailing%20-%20Brad%20Gti%20Round%202/IMG_6980_zps14bb79ab.jpg (http://s1217.photobucket.com/user/polo_playa/media/Detailing%20-%20Brad%20Gti%20Round%202/IMG_6980_zps14bb79ab.jpg.html)

http://i1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd393/polo_playa/Detailing%20-%20Brad%20Gti%20Round%202/IMG_6981_zps9b770c29.jpg (http://s1217.photobucket.com/user/polo_playa/media/Detailing%20-%20Brad%20Gti%20Round%202/IMG_6981_zps9b770c29.jpg.html)

In the following 2 pics I used different exposures... in the first the white is not over-exposed, has a nice reflection to it, but the black car is under-exposed. In the second, the white is very bright (how it looked in person) and the black car more correctly exposed. I am not sure which is better / right? but decided to post both anyway



In some ways the glue residue problem was actually a blessing in disguise as it allowed the identification and removal of the water spots to take place before they had a chance to do any more damage to the clear coat.

The parting shot

Total time spent - 14 hours

Thanks for looking and any feedback is always welcome

davey g-force
05-10-2013, 01:21 AM
That's great work! :xyxthumbs:

Man what a mess that tape made!

05-10-2013, 02:18 AM
Thanks - yes it was rather a mess wasn't it.

The owner was rather bleak when he arrived in his sticky mess, but was beaming when he collected it.

I love that - seeing a happy customer!

05-10-2013, 05:51 AM
Great work, which machine do you use!

05-10-2013, 05:54 AM
Thank you

I only own 1 machine.... it is sold locally here as a 'Shield' Dual Action Polisher, but I believe it is effectively a Porter Cable DA

Here is a link to it from the place where I purchased it.

Shield - Dual Action Polisher [SHDA2] - R1,350.00 : Crazy Detailer, South Africa's LARGEST Premium Brand Car Care & Detailing Supplies Store with Crazy Prices ! (http://www.crazydetailer.co.za/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=23&products_id=667)

05-10-2013, 06:22 AM
Wow great work, and so much time spent on a small car like that..impressive!

Question; i see JDM guys tape up their front all the time when going on long trips, typically painters tape is used. What could be done to prevent the glue residue stick on the paint like with this vehicle? Perhaps wax the areas first? Or what is another solution to protecting the vehicle without installing the leather 'bra' ?

05-10-2013, 07:35 AM

I am on the committee for our local VW Club and we also have an annual run of around 375miles where the inland members (in Gauteng) drive down in convoy to Durban - usually in the region of 100 cars - quite a spectacle.... anyway, most of the guys will also tape up the front end of their car, using painters tape, and to date I am unaware of any issues.

I think the problem in this case was that 1) it was not painters tape but normal masking tape, which I believe is somewhat stickier and 2) it was probably left on too long (and in our harsh South African climate I would assume the sun really hammered the glue, possibly making it more sticky)

05-10-2013, 09:07 AM
Great job, as usual, Lawrence! I made the mistake of using regular masking tape on the wife's car once, and it was only on for a few hours in the shade. Never again! I'm suprised the residue wasn't worse after being baked in the sun, and that it even came off very easily.

05-10-2013, 09:12 AM
Great job, as usual, Lawrence! I made the mistake of using regular masking tape on the wife's car once, and it was only on for a few hours in the shade. Never again! I'm suprised the residue wasn't worse after being baked in the sun, and that it even came off very easily.

Thanks very much for the kind words:xyxthumbs:

I must admit, when I first saw it I was very nervous about how easily it would come off but I have to give props to the product itself - Autofinesse Oblitarate... it really is very good at removing the glue residue.

Anyway, I am logging off the forum now as I have the next beauty rolling in, in a few hours.... a new Audi RS3, one of only 15 bought into the country, so somewhat 'exclusive' and for a VAG nutter like me, one to tick off the 'I wanna detail one of those' list Im the MAN