View Full Version : almost had a Aston Martin

05-09-2013, 01:49 PM
So i was at a Local Sunday Car show and this guy ive seen before, but never spoken too pulled in and parked some what near my car in his Really Nice looking Aston Martin.
It was Like a dark brownish root-beer color (idk the name) with creme interior car was great but when i took a closer look it was COVERED in swirl marks, every inch of it.
so i ran into him and started talking about his car and how long hes had it and all that and then asked if hes even ever noticed these little scratch marks when you look in the sun he said nah not really then i explained possible ways they could have gotten there and that i could remove them almost 100% gave him my card he read it shook my hand and then he went back looking a all angles of his car lol i think i made him sad he never knew it was so bad

05-09-2013, 01:50 PM
but havnt heard from him i like doing cars like these rather than beat up stuff its easier and ends up looking better in the end

05-09-2013, 02:18 PM
:dblthumb2: You made the contact.... when he is ready, he will call you. Some people it takes them a while to ruminate the info, but those scratches (now that you've pointed them out) will be an eyesore and he will come around.

If he does not come around, then that is not the client you need. Those tend to be a pain in the butt. They did not see them before and don't see that much improvement and have that attitude of "and you charged me what??"

05-09-2013, 02:24 PM
he was kinda the guy youd see driving it "yea its an aston martin " tooth pick sunglasses button up shirt not buttoned all the way so you can see his gold chains and hairy chest kinda guy

05-09-2013, 03:04 PM
How can people not pay attention to swirls and scratches on their cars? I don't get it.