View Full Version : Oops, installed clear bra before Iron-X on new car

05-08-2013, 08:27 PM
Got my new car, brought to have a clear bra installed, then read about Iron-X and decided to use it before I wax it.

I have had many new cars and wash, wax, and clay regularly and never had any appearance issues. I decided to order some Iron-X. I know it's safe for clear bras but I'm wondering, since I already wrapped up my leading hood and bumper, will decontaminating the rest of my car cause it to have a better appearance in five years than the area under the clear bra?

I know I won't regularly use it but wanted it to get the initial gunk out of it. Like I said, my main concern is that the rest of my car will start out pristine while the parts under the clear bra will always have those trapped contaminants, thus possibly never matching the rest of the car. Maybe don't Iron-X any of my car?

Your thoughts. (no, I'm not removing and paying for another clear bra install

05-08-2013, 08:48 PM
enjoy your clear bra and don't stress over it. just focus on taking care of the paint that's not protected by the clear bra. when you remove your clear bra then you can Iron X it and compound/polish it to match with all the other panel. Either way you already got your mind set on not removing the bra so either answer you're still stuck. so just enjoy it.

05-09-2013, 12:58 AM
I wouldn't really worry about it, mainly because under the ppf, you're not getting any water, air, or other airborne contaminates. Any oxidation that *might* be accelerated out in the weather.... should be a non issue within the tight confines beneath the paint protection film (ppf).

05-09-2013, 11:18 PM
I wouldn't really worry about it, mainly because under the ppf, you're not getting any water, air, or other airborne contaminates. Any oxidation that *might* be accelerated out in the weather.... should be a non issue within the tight confines beneath the paint protection film (ppf).

I guess I was thinking about the initial stuff that I trapped in there before using Iron-X on the whole car. In other words, most or new car prepped with Iron-X, part under ppf not.

I'm probably over thinking it.

05-10-2013, 02:01 AM
I agree... overthinking somewhat.
Not that I don't understand, but unless you want to pull it off. :dunno:
Just sayin'.... once it's sealed off from the elements the dangers of the iron / rail dust is somewhat mitigated.

05-10-2013, 07:54 AM
.. once it's sealed off from the elements the dangers of the iron / rail dust is somewhat mitigated.

Ding ding ding. Doh, I finally got it.