View Full Version : Is this overspray

05-07-2013, 12:42 PM
Hi all. About a year ago my car was in an accident. I haven't washed it myself much since then (just going through touchless washes) and I haven't really looked at it that closely either. I just washed it myself this weekend and noticed what I think is overspray in many places. I did my best to get a decent photo.

I washed it with a strong solution of CG CWG as well as soaking a MF with Optimum APC and leaving it on the area for 15 minutes. When I came back it still wouldn't come off. Is claying my next option?

On a separate but possibly related note, the entire car doesn't feel right. I doesn't have the same overspray look as in the photo, and perhaps it's just the lack of a coating/wax, but I can't get it fully clean and it feels very 'not smooth' to the touch.

Running my finger on the car (yes, creating instant marring) is not really rough per say, but is absolutely not smooth (and it can be heard from several feet away). It kind of feels like running your finger across a piece of scotch tape (the back side, not the sticky side). It's not really rough/sticky, but it has that 'not slick' feel to it.

In the past the car had been opticoated, but that might be long gone since the body shop did whatever they did a year ago (the car was rear-ended so they shouldn't have touched the sides/front, but who knows...).

If I were down to just plain old clearcoat (with no wax/coating) shouldn't it still feel smooth (perhaps not slick/shiny), but certainly not rough? Again, I have not clayed yet but I did use a strong mix of CWG and a some APC in a few test spots with no luck.

please disregard the large amount of pollen that fell on the car within 30 minutes of washing it... and focus on the highlighted areas:


05-07-2013, 12:45 PM
That very well may be overspray. It sure sounds and looks like it based on your description. Run some clay over it and see what it picks up. Regular clay may not be aggressive enough to pick it up.

You may need something aggressive such as Meguiar's blue or red professional clay.