View Full Version : Foaming Nozzle uses more product?

05-06-2013, 10:13 PM
I recently switched to Griot's Garage Foaming nozzle and noticed I use A LOT more product than a regular spray nozzle. For some reason, i believed a foaming nozzle would save me from using so much product but it looks like the complete opposite. Can someone shine some light here and explain why this is so? I even tend to use less spray pumps when I spray down my tire using the foaming nozzle but yet I use more product. I love the foaming action of the sprayer for tires when using OPC 1:3 over a regular sprayer. The regular sprayer when using OPC, doesn't foam up when I scrub the tires so that's why I like using the foaming nozzle.

This is the nozzle I'm using.


05-06-2013, 10:15 PM
I think it pulls more solution into the sprayer per use and that's why it uses more.

I also see that foaming nozzles use more product than non foaming nozzles.

05-06-2013, 10:22 PM
tip. Get some Meguiar's OTC wheel cleaner and use the Sprayer head. It's a foaming type of sprayer but, uses A lot less than the griots. I still like the griots for wheel wells, cause I know I'll be using a good deal of product regardless.

I actually have 6 griots type spayers. 3 a little different, but very much the same.

05-06-2013, 10:25 PM
I think it pulls more solution into the sprayer per use and that's why it uses more.

I also see that foaming nozzles use more product than non foaming nozzles.
Yeah, I think you're right. I guess I'll start doing half pumps and see if I notice a difference.

tip. Get some Meguiar's OTC wheel cleaner and use the Sprayer head. It's a foaming type of sprayer but, uses A lot less than the griots. I still like the griots for wheel wells, cause I know I'll be using a good deal of product regardless.

I actually have 6 griots type spayers. 3 a little different, but very much the same.
That's a pretty good idea. I'm going to try that. Thanks. :xyxthumbs:

05-06-2013, 11:07 PM
Yeah, I think you're right. I guess I'll start doing half pumps and see if I notice a difference.

No half pumps allowed here... Be a man and squeeze that trigger without regret! Lmao just playing with you buddy, let us know your results :)

05-06-2013, 11:20 PM
No half pumps allowed here... Be a man and squeeze that trigger without regret! Lmao just playing with you buddy, let us know your results :)

Ha! I do love foaming up that tire. Going to try some other foaming sprayers and some OTC ones as well. Might have to go with Meg's Super Degreaser for tires and keep my 2 gallons of OPC for everything else.

05-07-2013, 03:20 AM
Yeah, I think you're right. I guess I'll start doing half pumps and see if I notice a difference.

That's a pretty good idea. I'm going to try that. Thanks. :xyxthumbs:

One thing to note though, I am not sure if they changed the bottles/neck portion. But, you may have to trim the collar in order to fully tighten the sprayer head down.

I actually just bought two bottles of Meguiar's gold class wheel cleaner. I will put the sprayer on my super degreaser bottle later.

neat e34
05-07-2013, 03:35 AM
Yeah, they do use a lot but they are advertised as a "high output" sprayer in the AG description.

Haven't tried OPC myself but I use Megs SD for tyres & it's great!
No need for a foaming sprayer, it foams up anyway as soon as you start scrubbing... Tried Megs APC before using SD & found it felt kind of "slippery" on the tyre & I didn't like it at all.
Cleaned the tyre straight after that with SD & the brown coming off it was crazy!