View Full Version : Dent repaired... or was it?

05-05-2013, 12:55 PM
If you've been reading any of my threads recently, you know I've been dealing with a body shop which has done less than satisfactory work. My paint was swirled by them, so they hired a detailer to remove the swirls. The detailer put buffer trails in the hood paint.

This weekend, after waiting 60+ days for the new paint to cure, I clayed my entire hood and did a test section. I will update my thread about the body shop with what I used.

Body shop thread:

The clay obviously removed any fillers the body shop and/or detailer used, because after claying, I noticed this where one of the dents was:


Is this a normal result when dealing with dent repair? It seems to me like this is a shoddy repair.

05-05-2013, 01:28 PM
Whatever that stuff was came off with a pass of M205 on a white CCS pad.

05-05-2013, 03:21 PM
Most body shops are all about production work. So yes they take short cuts as the saying goes time is money. I have found discussing your expectations before work starts to be beneficial. Also know what warranty comes along with the work.