View Full Version : Any problems with a temporary plastic sheet covering a car?

05-04-2013, 03:45 PM
Having some work done on the house, partly involving the garage. Dust will be raised and paint will be sprayed. I was going to cover a car in the garage with 3 mil non-breathable plastic sheets for a few days. Any issues with doing this? I don't think so but thought I'd ask since I have a couple days to come up with "plan B" if there are issues.

05-04-2013, 04:04 PM
I think if it were my car I would place a blanket or comforter on top of the car first, then place the plastic sheets on top of the comforter. When removing the covering, I would make sure to have help so that you could pick everything straight up off of the paint and not drag it. Of course, I think the best option would be to move the vehicle to another location, but I assume that option is not feasible.

05-04-2013, 04:11 PM
I have a micro fiber cover I use for cars.

05-04-2013, 04:36 PM
As long as your vehicle is clean, dust/moisture-free before you
put on the plastic sheeting...Good to go for a couple of days.

Somehow, or the other, though...
Home improvement projects seem to incur unexpected delays.



05-04-2013, 07:01 PM
I would place a blanket or comforter on top of the car first, then place the plastic sheets on top of the comforter.

Thanks. Seems like a good idea, so I tried it. The darn blanket slips off the waxed surface like a greased eel. Definitely a 2 person job, but even whe you get it in place and centered, once you let go of the blanket it slips off. Has to be secured some way. Painter's tape won't stick to the blanket, so duct taping the blanket to the windshield seems like the only way.

FUNX725 commented: Home improvement projects seem to incur unexpected delays.
Ain' t that the truth! I expect this will be no different.

05-05-2013, 07:27 AM
Try tucking the corners into the door, hood, etc. Using cloths pins are also an option.

Plastic sheeting AND SUN are a bad combination. The heat build-up is unreal. Even if it is 'clear'.
