View Full Version : Detailers: Marketing/Advertising

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05-22-2007, 05:23 PM
How do you guys market/advertise? I was thinking when I see a dirty car in a parking lot, I should put a flyer on their windshield..but then does that come off being rude? Craigslist.org will be my main source of advertising, because I can just put my website link, attached with a graphic designed flyer, and the town I live in has a website with links of local business's, so I will put my ad on there too. I know the main part of owning your own business is customer service and being good with people.

So what do you guys do?


05-22-2007, 05:38 PM
I don't know about others but, I get pissed off when people touch my car to put flyers on it.

05-22-2007, 05:43 PM
Yea, no windshields for me.

It's mainly WOM and referrals. IT's the best way imo, but it does take some time and patience. I'm still looking at things to do. If you don't have business cards yet, get them! I get a TON of people asking me for a card when I tell them I do this on the side. I would look like a total dumb*** and not the real deal if I didn't have these.

I'm somewhat tinkering w/ the idea of getting license plate frames w/ "Hart's Auto Detailing" on them, or something of the like. I would give them to people I know well or any customer that would like to have one. I'm not talking about a ton, maybe like 25 or 50.

05-22-2007, 05:44 PM
I don't know about others but, I get pissed off when people touch my car to put flyers on it.

Yeah thats what I thought too.. But damn that would be a good advertisment.

05-22-2007, 05:46 PM
Yea, no windshields for me.

It's mainly WOM and referrals. IT's the best way imo, but it does take some time and patience. I'm still looking at things to do. If you don't have business cards yet, get them! I get a TON of people asking me for a card when I tell them I do this on the side. I would look like a total dumb*** and not the real deal if I didn't have these.

I'm somewhat tinkering w/ the idea of getting license plate frames w/ "Hart's Auto Detailing" on them, or something of the like. I would give them to people I know well or any customer that would like to have one. I'm not talking about a ton, maybe like 25 or 50.

Yeah I have cards. Thats a great idea for license plate frames. Its better than a sticker IMO. I'm gonna look for companies that make them.

05-22-2007, 05:47 PM
Wom..i Agree......

05-22-2007, 06:27 PM
flyers in the local neighborhood? don't touch anyone's car either.

but yea WOM seems like your best bet.

05-22-2007, 07:20 PM
Word of mouth. I work two days a week. I'm booked for one month and have never advertised. This year the first few customers were told that the prices would be lower if they would be willing to tell others ( and only if they could do it in good conscience). It seems to be working. Another thing that I do is keep my standards high. AND last a trick that really seems to knock their socks off: I give them a printed out review of what was done and products used just like you see on here.

05-22-2007, 08:17 PM
Word of mouth. I work two days a week. I'm booked for one month and have never advertised. This year the first few customers were told that the prices would be lower if they would be willing to tell others ( and only if they could do it in good conscience). It seems to be working. Another thing that I do is keep my standards high. AND last a trick that really seems to knock their socks off: I give them a printed out review of what was done and products used just like you see on here.

Really only 2 days a week? or 2 days a week with a job and the rest detailing?

05-22-2007, 08:42 PM
Really only 2 days a week? or 2 days a week with a job and the rest detailing?

Two days a week detailing.

05-22-2007, 09:04 PM
Thats a good idea Jimmie printing out the receipt . Only thing is, I know some people dont want their customers to know what products they use. Could potentially lose some customers that way. Maybe instead, leave out the specific products?

I use flyers and WOM. Flyers get put on peoples mail boxes in the neighborhood. I would like to put flyers or cards on the higher end cars I see around town, but that might come off bad as some people said, so Im holding off on that.

Also, if you go to a business often, like the doctors, dentist, hair cutter, etc., ask them if they would mind posting a flyer on their wall for you.

05-23-2007, 12:52 AM
I don't know about others but, I get pissed off when people touch my car to put flyers on it.
I hate it on the double when those flyer's are about "uncle sam mortgage company/financial servises." Sometimes it seems to me that there are more financial companies, then there are clients.

05-23-2007, 07:36 AM
I hate it on the double when those flyer's are about "uncle sam mortgage company/financial servises." Sometimes it seems to me that there are more financial companies, then there are clients.

It seems like 90% of my mail is this junk and usually the same for the ones under my wipers when I park downtown.

05-23-2007, 08:29 AM
So what do you guys find is the best way to go about the WOM? For starters, I have 1000 nice business cards made up and small flyers with some basic info and services, as well as starting prices (3 flyers fit to a page of reg computer paper). So far, I've paper clipped 400 of them to my business cards and dropped them off in local wealthy areas. I've had ONE CALL! in 400 pass outs, so that obviously isn't working. All of it looks professional as well in my eyes.

So yesterday, I went to some local banks, offices, etc and marketed myself as offering detailing services when they're at work and being able to get their vehicle once they leave work or before if at all possible. So, I'm hoping to get some business off of this. Othwerwise, like I mentioned above, what do you guys do for WOM? Just go to local nice businesses and ask them to put your cards in the employee break room?

05-23-2007, 08:51 AM
WOM worked for me at work with my co-workers because I did one guys truck others saw what kind of work I did and then flocked to me wanting there car done next. Now I have vehicles lined up to do just I work so much and have no free time.