View Full Version : Lake County Flat Pads

04-29-2013, 11:45 AM
I like my 5.5 " LC flat pads, but have had a couple of issues with the white pads.

When cleaning on the fly ,I used my orange Wolfgang brush and a terry cloth towel to clean on the fly an noticed some of the pad fell apart in the center leaving a 1/2 divit in the center . Can I still use a pad with this divit in the middle ?

It also seems like they are losing some of there firmness after a couple of cleanings with my Wolfgang Pad cleaner and conditioner, is this normal ?

Any input or recommendations would be appreciated

04-29-2013, 05:08 PM
I like my 5.5 " LC flat pads, but have had a couple of issues with the white pads.

When cleaning on the fly ,I used my orange Wolfgang brush and a terry cloth towel to clean on the fly an noticed some of the pad fell apart in the center leaving a 1/2 divit in the center . Can I still use a pad with this divit in the middle ?

It also seems like they are losing some of there firmness after a couple of cleanings with my Wolfgang Pad cleaner and conditioner, is this normal ?

Any input or recommendations would be appreciated

I use a stiff denture brush and MF towel to clean B&S pads and have had no issues with the pad falling apart so the LC Flats should be fine. It sounds like you are over heating the pad and then when you attempt to clean on the fly the center of the pad falls apart. How many pads (of each color) are you using to do an entire car? I use a minimum of 4 in two sets of two--if a pad overheats I set it asside to cool while I use a second pad--do half the car switching back an forth between pad 1 &2 then the other half between pad 3 & 4.

04-29-2013, 05:12 PM
I have many, many hours on my LC flat white pads. They look and perform like new. I agree that heat along with product build up are probably the root of your problems. Like the above poster I like to use as many pads per detail that I can (about 6).

04-29-2013, 05:49 PM
Running to high of a speed, way to much product on the pad, and excessive time spent on a section without a cool down for both pad and panel causes pads to concave in the center as you have done.

04-30-2013, 06:17 AM
Thanks guys , I will adjust my technique and see if it helps.

04-30-2013, 06:26 AM
i noticed some of my 5.5" pads lost their firmness after soaking them in microfiber cleaning solution and rinsing in water.
the firmness of my pads all felt the same as each other, no matter the color.