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04-25-2013, 08:21 AM
I have found myself as of late digging deeper and deeper to a lot of these highlighted topics that have been going on the last few months....
I have come to the conclusion that I am far to under educated to read some of these bills for one... and at the same time that people are too lazy to read.... as confusing as they might be the items I have pulled are sickening...
Has anyone attempted to read the affordable health care act? Its ruffly 940+ pages.... and somewhere around the 300 page mark you can read pieces of how this will be paid for... for starters. Increased premiums for retired military guys (you know the ones who have done 20+ years of service to there country countless family sqcrifises etc...) but yet leaves members of congress paying no extra into there medical premiums??? Or the taxes being wrapped up in propertys?? Its insane...
This is just a small piece of whats happening the complete invasion of privacy via internet is appalling...
The continuous fight to bear arms is another disgusting battle at hand...
And even to start on the 4th amendment. The lockdown of boston and the invasion of the home that was housing the second alive bomber...

I am just curious as to how many of you on this site have raised a brow or even given any of this a second thought. Or just taking it with the flows of evolution and inevitably the collapse of this great country...

Simple little things like removing letter heads on government documents "under god" have we truely forgotten what we were founded on? Are forefathers have got to be rolling in there graves...

I feel that we the people are loosing/lost control of this country....

Sorry if this ruiens your day but its quickly ruining my life...

04-25-2013, 08:42 AM
We are incrementally losing. Boston looked like the US occupation of Baghdad the other day. Police were going house to house WITHOUT warrants.

We are being slowly conditioned for police state justice. Soon the term "terror" will be applied to a wide range of crimes (maybe even political dissidence).

Relatively soon, even you and I could be denied our Miranda rights.

We've basically already lost our right to bear arms. I'm 28 and I can hardly find anyone my age that isn't far left and anti gun. I'm from the Midwest, so I'm guessing it's much worse everywhere else.

We are just outnumbered. I'm guessing that in 10-50 years we will completely lose firearms.

My generation and younger are more concerned with the size of their rims and having the newest iphone, than they are concerned about what's going on with their country.

That's probably the only political comment I'll make on here. I'd like to keep AGO a detailing forum. I just couldn't help it.

Don't tread on me!

04-25-2013, 08:44 AM
Well im from Texas.. dont think theyll take are guns ever

04-25-2013, 09:14 AM
Well im from Texas.. dont think theyll take are guns ever

04-25-2013, 09:35 AM
Well im from Texas.. dont think theyll take are guns ever

I though texas was a gun loving gun slinging state as well until I watched this...

You can google veteral illegally disarmed and there are a few more videos and interviews...

Sent from my SGH-T889 using AG Online

04-25-2013, 09:40 AM
I though texas was a gun loving gun slinging state as well until I watched this...

You can google veteral illegally disarmed and there are a few more videos and interviews...

Sent from my SGH-T889 using AG Online

That man was acting foolish, disarming was called for imo.


04-25-2013, 10:01 AM
Politician need to validate their existences and that requires making the average Joe overwhelmed by the complexity of things. For example:

The IRS regulations are getting ever more complex every year which then requires us to elect someone at the helm that can fight for us. The "fair tax" system would account for all of the talking points on the table, but it has been deemed too simplistic.... and would do away from the IRS and its 80,000 agents! This system is so simple it is ridiculous. The "fair tax" plan would put the burden of taxation on ALL (including migrant workers being paid cash, prostitutes, drug dealers etc... all hiding behind unreported cash deals). What is fair about it is that: if you are rich or poor, young or old, if you choose to purchase non-necessities you get taxed, and if you decide to be frugal you do not. The ones with the most disposable income would pay more, and the ones with the least would not. ...... but this is too simple and you don't need an advocate in Washington fighting YEARLY for changes (right or left).

The government elect has been, since the 50's, shifting our mentality of self sufficiency to dependency. They are basically telling you that:
1) You are too dumb to raise your children
2) You are inept in providing for your own retirement
3) You are too dumb to take care of your health care
4) You are too debilitated to survive without assistance
5) You are incapable to provide for your daily meals
6) ... etc..

...but in order to fight for your "rights" they need to make them a "right" (and not a privilege). It is not a right to have children; it is not a right for you to retire at 65 years of age; it is not a right to have health care; it is not a right for you to have a meal or roof over your head..... Those are all PRIVILEGES!!

But how can they validate their existence by fighting for your privileges? They could not!!, so they have to manipulate the system and make you believe that it is a right!

They remove your sense of self preservation, your sense of honor and pride, and replace it with a sense of uncertainty and doubt that now requires you to DEPEND on someone else. We are slowly enslaving ourselves to our government...... and the last step is to depend on them for our ultimate protection.

They cannot provide for all... and we suffer in the end!

Here is your scripture of the day:
Proverbs 22:7: The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.

44% of our elected leaders are multi-millionaire, and all promote (regardless of which side of the aisle) to indebt yourself for the "American Dream".

Their talking points:
1) You have the RIGHT to own a home and we will fight for all (regardless of your means), so that you can BORROW (and enslave yourselves) to a 30 year mortgage <--- what happened to doing cash deals only. It is seen as unamerican not to have a Credit Score (which you can only get by borrowing)
2) You have the RIGHT to own a cell phone and a flat screen TV, and all the cars your want, and we will fight to make sure that you all (regardless of means) can have a CREDIT card, so you can own all those things. It would be UNFATHOMABLE for you not to have a cell phone..
3) ...etc...

We are vilified for achieving and taxed for our success, all to validate their existence in Washington. There would be no need for politicians if common sense was part of the equation, but common sense and self reliance hurts the feelings of the people that care not to take care of themselves

04-25-2013, 10:53 AM
Politician need to validate their existences and that requires making the average Joe overwhelmed by the complexity of things. For example:

The IRS regulations are getting ever more complex every year which then requires us to elect someone at the helm that can fight for us. The "fair tax" system would account for all of the talking points on the table, but it has been deemed too simplistic.... and would do away from the IRS and its 80,000 agents! This system is so simple it is ridiculous. The "fair tax" plan would put the burden of taxation on ALL (including migrant workers being paid cash, prostitutes, drug dealers etc... all hiding behind unreported cash deals). What is fair about it is that: if you are rich or poor, young or old, if you choose to purchase non-necessities you get taxed, and if you decide to be frugal you do not. The ones with the most disposable income would pay more, and the ones with the least would not. ...... but this is too simple and you don't need an advocate in Washington fighting YEARLY for changes (right or left).

The government elect has been, since the 50's, shifting our mentality of self sufficiency to dependency. They are basically telling you that:
1) You are too dumb to raise your children
2) You are inept in providing for your own retirement
3) You are too dumb to take care of your health care
4) You are too debilitated to survive without assistance
5) You are incapable to provide for your daily meals
6) ... etc..

...but in order to fight for your "rights" they need to make them a "right" (and not a privilege). It is not a right to have children; it is not a right for you to retire at 65 years of age; it is not a right to have health care; it is not a right for you to have a meal or roof over your head..... Those are all PRIVILEGES!!

But how can they validate their existence by fighting for your privileges? They could not!!, so they have to manipulate the system and make you believe that it is a right!

They remove your sense of self preservation, your sense of honor and pride, and replace it with a sense of uncertainty and doubt that now requires you to DEPEND on someone else. We are slowly enslaving ourselves to our government...... and the last step is to depend on them for our ultimate protection.

They cannot provide for all... and we suffer in the end!

Here is your scripture of the day:
Proverbs 22:7: The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.

44% of our elected leaders are multi-millionaire, and all promote (regardless of which side of the aisle) to indebt yourself for the "American Dream".

Their talking points:
1) You have the RIGHT to own a home and we will fight for all (regardless of your means), so that you can BORROW (and enslave yourselves) to a 30 year mortgage <--- what happened to doing cash deals only. It is seen as unamerican not to have a Credit Score (which you can only get by borrowing)
2) You have the RIGHT to own a cell phone and a flat screen TV, and all the cars your want, and we will fight to make sure that you all (regardless of means) can have a CREDIT card, so you can own all those things. It would be UNFATHOMABLE for you not to have a cell phone..
3) ...etc...

We are vilified for achieving and taxed for our success, all to validate their existence in Washington. There would be no need for politicians if common sense was part of the equation, but common sense and self reliance hurts the feelings of the people that care not to take care of themselvesI believe the underlying issue is due to the distance between politicians and their constituents. The average campaign for Congress runs over $1 million dollars, what average Joe can afford that? I fully support putting in a 12-year time limit for Congress which would allow new people to get in, serve their time, and get out. Eliminate the 5 year fully benefits package, where 5 years served (less than one term in the Senate, and 3 in the House) and they receive full pay, benefits, whereas military serves 20 years for 50% pay and still pay for dependent medical plus dental, etc... Make it a 12-year, max term receives proper compensation for their duties. Also eliminate pay increases greater than federal employees get (in a perfect world I'd correlate it to approval rating, but that's wishful thinking).

I think the second issue we have in this country is a lack of transparency between the government and the people. Now granted I understand where Thomas Jefferson came from in saying (paraphrased) those who sacrifice rights for safety deserve neither. But unfortunately in this day and age that is not feasible. Enemies aren't meeting on open fields anymore to wage war, it's now small attacks like Boston, cybersecurity, fighting civilians to overpower them. So we must adapt, now don't get me wrong due process should always be foremost for citizens. There is also a large distance between not only the military and their voting as compared to government in power (party-wise), as well as the American people. Now look unfortunately there are bad people in this world that must be eliminated, but what scares me more is the disbelief Americans believe is actually happening, it's borderline conspiracy in my opinion. I think how the people reacted in Boston was not due to a police-state or fear of terrorism, but support of fighting against them. By choosing to stay in you eliminate civilians as possible targets, hasten the reaction in capturing him, and showed that citizens stand together for justice. I agree some may not agree, but hey it's just an opinion right? And if we could all take the first step as seeing the other person's side the world would be quite a bit different.

04-25-2013, 02:27 PM
I though texas was a gun loving gun slinging state as well until I watched this...

LiveLeak.com - Iraq Veteran Gets Illegally Disarmed and Arrested While Hiking (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=881_1366142313&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter)

That officer needs retraining big time. I cringed when he disarmed the mouthy citizen sweeping his head and neck area with the muzzle of that loaded .45

04-26-2013, 07:01 AM
That man was acting foolish, disarming was called for imo.


Its reactions like this that will have the secon ammendment removed or put in jeopardy...

The man new his rights...
-Perfectly legal to open carry in his area 1.
-You can not put someone under arrest without probible cause, weather it be suspicious activity, or an officer witnesses you partaking in a crime first hand. (Again walking down a rural road in texas with a weapon is legal especially in ferrel hog territory)
- without probable cause to be arrested and moreso without being read your right going through pockets, asking for identification etc. Is need to know information.
- every state verys with conceal carry requirements and the identification of a concealed carry permit to law enforcement (state of texas does not require you to bring it to there attention when approached but when asked) he was never asked
- being charged with resisting arrest is clear in the video that is a joke.

Its easy to sit behind your keyboard and exercise your freedom of speech but you look apsolutely rediculous making opinionated remarks with zero backing supported by the constitution or local laws (this case)

So with your opinionated response I disagree with your opinion...

Sent from my SGH-T889 using AG Online

04-26-2013, 07:31 AM
Just watched the video. Like I said, in 10 to 50 years our weapons will be gone.

04-26-2013, 08:07 AM
I have found myself as of late digging deeper and deeper to a lot of these highlighted topics that have been going on the last few months....
I have come to the conclusion that I am far to under educated to read some of these bills for one... and at the same time that people are too lazy to read.... as confusing as they might be the items I have pulled are sickening...


-I agree that everyone needs to better educate themselves on many political-subjects/items/topics...
-And perhaps that begins with better educating ourselves on the persons we
vote on to fill the political-seats in our Local/State/Federal jurisdictions!

I know the argument: They all become corrupted once in Office...
But I say:
"Start by getting rid of the Lobbyists...They're not procuring special-deals on my behalf...Probably not yours either".

-Don't feel left out in the cold, though, about being in a state of confusion when it comes to attempting to read Congressional Bills...
Many of these elected politicians haven't read and can't understand them either...IMHO.

Don't take this time in your life to go sticking your head in the oven...
We need: Thinkers; and then: Doers...(such as yourself)...in these days of unrest/turmoil.


04-26-2013, 01:28 PM
Just watched the video. Like I said, in 10 to 50 years our weapons will be gone.

Ill be new nation bound if it gets to that point...

Sent from my SGH-T889 using AG Online

04-26-2013, 02:24 PM
I don't get into politics much, but every once and awhile I'll look into something.

My family owns/runs a large dairy farm outside of one of the most aggressively liberal towns around. Many of their beliefs are that what we do is wrong in many ways and everything should be natural/organic/local. Most of my energy goes towards research in that area and defending my families lively hood as not too many farmers step up to the plate. Most of the people I encounter on the streets believe all of the above processes are better because the media has led them to believe it. They never bothered to research into whether or not it truely is better, how well it is regulated, or if it truely is "sustainable".

Most of my time goes towards things related to the farm. Pollution control, animal welfare, and subsidies. I don't know if I can think of one time a person was not surprised or called me a liar when I said I, as well as many others, could care less if they were gone. Farmers are not going to disappear, as soon as subsidies are gone things will balance out. Corn ethanol will cripple to pieces, our prices to feed animals will drop, corn exports will increase, and money can be diverted into coming up with true efficient alternative fuels. It will also weed out all of the bad farmers and leave the good businessman. Farming is both a lifestyle and a business. Too many people forget that business comes first.

Outside of that, one thing I noticed more than anything with the recent election was that social issues trumped fiscal issues. Honestly I could care less about the social issue side of thing. I'm part of both parties when it comes to that, I don't think taking away guns will do anything, If planned parenthood would stick to doing what they do best and not lobbying for other things, I support them. Call me unreligous, but I think its important to teach people safe sex and give them options, just ignoring it doesn't help. Gay marraige does not matter to me either, why should I care who marries who?

It's like people are more worried about what their neighbor is doing, versus where their money is going. My gay neighbor had an abortion and owns a gun (don't ask me how that would work). Okay but do you know anything about where all of your money is going?

I feel there is a strong decline in our society, more and more people feel they need a handout and should not have to work for anything. Everybody wants things NOW, and not as many live within their means. Too many people play before they work.

I don't believe in adding taxes to the wealthy. If there was a fair way to just tax celebrities and trust fund kids then I would, but the reality is that too many job creators would fall into that bracket and we would loose the motivation to be successful.

I really hate politics because lately it has divided more people and created more tension than ever. I choose to avoid it a lot, and I think many other people do for the same reasons I do. It's depressing reading into how messed up a lot of our country is and arguing about politics is like arguing with a wall except the wall doesn't argue back.

You can debate a polishing compound and most people will be happy at the end of the debate and just agree to disagree. It'll be a calm debate throughout with facts on both sides. But debate politics, and its a no holds barred throwdown with both parties either loving each other or hating each other in the end.

As for the video of that guy, I really hate those types of people. I believe in standing up for your rights, but he seems like the type that "baits" others into those types of situations. If he would've been calm about it, I would have a little more respect for him. Honestly, I think if he just would've been calm and polite, he would've been off on his merry way. If they would've been dicks to him though and really abused his rights, then I could see his reactions.

04-26-2013, 06:30 PM
Durallymax, on a positive note, I'd bet that most, if not all of the AGO members aren't looking for a hand out. There are some seriously driven and hard working people on here. You're right, society is definitely on a decline. But, it's good to see such a great group of educated, hard working people like the ones here. I wish that everybody in our country strived for perfection in the same way that most of the AGO members do. We'd be better off as a country.