View Full Version : How to clean headlights on the cheap?

04-24-2013, 12:09 PM
I have tried using the forums "search" feature many times, but it doesn't exactly work well IMO as it brings up just about anything even when using keywords.

Anyways, the title says it all. i have plastic headlights (I believe) and would like to simply clean them without dropping a lot of money.. I have read many things online ranging from using toothpaste to buying professional kits etc. There has to be a simple method to clean and restore headlights without buying a $30 specific product for headlights only...

Any suggestions? Thanks!

04-24-2013, 12:12 PM
PlastiX or ultimate compound from meguiars.. MF towels, towels and rub super hard for a long time

04-24-2013, 12:27 PM
PlastiX or ultimate compound from meguiars.. MF towels, towels and rub super hard for a long time


This reminds me.....met a "detailer" a while ago, who charges his customers $10 a headlight.....and all he does is rub them down with an old rag and brake fluid seems to work but I would never do that personally and don't know how long that would even last.

04-24-2013, 12:34 PM
Using A compound is only a temporary fix, after couple of weeks the haze will return. The best is to sand the old plastic to new and seal it with a sealant.

04-24-2013, 02:48 PM
Depends on what you have on hand supply wise IMO

A rotary, M105 on the edge of a Wool Pad, 3 min per headlight (longer if you need/want more cut). The wool pad will cut extremely fast. It's much better than those mickey mouse drill kits.



04-25-2013, 12:20 AM
OP wanted a cheap method.. That's what I suggested

04-25-2013, 12:26 AM
The cheap way you're looking for wont get you too far. Depend how bad your headlight is too. I did the cheap way rubbing the oxidation with a cutting compound. I barely took off a little and my arms are about to fall off. You need a machine to get rid of it.