View Full Version : Hurricane.... ???? Spray Wax ???

05-21-2007, 12:45 PM
Sorry i'm New and this maybe be a strange Question...

Last week i was sitting in the Drive-Thur at KFC, and if started to rain... Just a light drizzle but when i was waiting for my food i looked in the rear veiw mirror and notice that i really nice sharpe looking Pearl-White Cadillac, was behind me looked brand new... Owner got out and started to spray his car down in the rain with some pink solution. So myself that has a part time job detailing cars on the weekend, was just curious what he was doing and using.. I pulled around and asked him, his answer was that its a solution that is called Hurricane. you spray on when its raining and it helps keep it clean and keeps water spots off... Not sure if this guy was just pulling my leg or something but His Cadillac looks like it never had a speck of dirt on it... so i wanted to know if anyone has heard of this and maybe where to get it... he told me to find a deatiler truck that runs around town and buy if off the truck...


Mike T
05-21-2007, 01:11 PM
Interesting. I'd be hesitant to buy something sold out of someone's vehicle.

05-21-2007, 10:22 PM
I agree with Mike, but then again, that's how products usually start.

nevertheless, its probably just a quick detailer. similar to the effect CM has on a wet car; keeps the surface slick and prevents waterspots.