View Full Version : You Might Be An Autogeek If You . . .

04-22-2013, 02:08 PM
1. Ever left a business card on the car next to you in the parking lot that was so bad you thought "This car deserves better".

2. walked up to a total stranger and said "I would love to get my hands on your hood (car).

Feel free to chime in . . .
(lets keep it PG-13)

04-22-2013, 02:34 PM
Gf puts her purse on your hood and you hear keys scratches!
Looking for her keys
And you reply....with...etc... Haha

04-22-2013, 02:45 PM
1. you look at a car and you playback in your head the process to get it back into pristine condition.

2. you see a car parked under a tree with those dark berries on them and you hear a large flock of birds and your heart sinks at the horror.

3. you see a truck that has obviously come from a "muddin" excursion and think of the up-charge for it. you also know what type of mud is caked on and how hard its going to come off.

4. you hear keys banging against the car door of someone trying to get in their car.

5. you see a product in the store and you know the price of the item at five different competitors.

6. you can multi-task at least three of your commonly used products in your inventory.

7. You know what "thin" means.

04-22-2013, 02:51 PM
Thinks that setting up a direct deposit to Autogeek will help speed up the process and get your products faster.

04-22-2013, 02:52 PM
Instead of "wash me" you wrote "call me" then your business phone number.

04-22-2013, 03:06 PM
Make a thread posting you're an autogeek if you..

04-22-2013, 03:13 PM
Make a thread posting you're an autogeek if you..


04-22-2013, 03:51 PM
Make a thread posting you're an autogeek if you..

Replied to a thread called "you might be an autogeek if you . . . "

04-22-2013, 04:01 PM
5. you see a product in the store and you know the price of the item at five different competitors.

LOL that is SO (sickeningly) true!!

04-22-2013, 04:24 PM
Look at other cars in a parking lot and say as you walk by them "I could clean that, and that, and make that one look like new, oh and I could fix those headlights."

04-22-2013, 04:50 PM
When you use ironX (tm) on a car and it looked like a scene out of the movie "Carrie"

you see someone using "dawn" on a car and you want to stop what you are doing as you fight the strong urge to lecture and give a "free" sample for your sanity and the sake of the car.

you see a "lifted" truck and think " those wheel wells are gonna be so frickin' easy to clean" but see the bed and top and think, "scaffoldin, scaffolding is what I need".

You know the most common position a driver places their hands on the steering wheel from where the grime comes off.

You can tell the difference between coffee, soda and cleaner stains in carpet and upholstery.

You've pulled enough McDonalds' toys and "power rangers" out of seats to start donating to toys for tots.

you see a car go through the automatic wash and think to yourself " ... And then the swirls Magically appear" :)

04-22-2013, 05:16 PM
sorry could not edit above post:

You know what the water hardness is at the tap.

04-22-2013, 05:30 PM
Look at other cars in a parking lot and say as you walk by them "I could clean that, and that, and make that one look like new, oh and I could fix those headlights."

If a car is dirty that's their problem (what goes through my head) but when I see fading clear coat or 1 stage i always think. I wish I could buff that...

04-23-2013, 07:15 AM
Make a thread posting you're an autogeek if you..

+1 It's a monthly tradition it seems like!