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05-21-2007, 09:58 AM
I checked to make sure i am aloud this and i sure am so I hope eveyon enjoys

So here is the long awaited review. I promised it, and am now getting it done (a few months late)

Product: Zymol Concours

Container size: 8 oz

Price: $164 USD

Application size: Allot at 1oz a car.

Price per application: 164/8= $20.50USD

Smell: It smelt awesome. Like cinnamon candy. Almost like those little heart candies at valentines day. It smelt really good. I wanted to eat it.

Appearance. It looked like a yellow solid. The yellow was like big bird. I know its a weird color to compare it to but I thought they were similar.

Directions Per Zymol (paraphrased): 1: Wash and dry car, hd cleanse if needed

2:apply wax with hands

3:lightly buff off to shine. Do not let dry

How I used: We washed the car using Zymol clear (I thought I would play with the zymol stuff). We then dried and buffed the car using optimum polish. I wanted the cleanest nicest surface I could get.
We then applied Victoria wax lite cleanse. I couldn’t find the zymol hd-cleanse. I have used the hd before so I knew what it was like. I like the VW stuff better anyway so no biggie.
We then started the fun. We took some wax from the jar. It instantly melted in our hands. It was really cool.
You could feel it melting.
We then started on the hood. We realized we had way to much wax so we also did the bumper and fenders.
The wax applied well, it was not hard however lots of wax is used. It is hard to get a nice thin even coat but as we went on it became easier. I think a few more cars and it will be no problem
We then buffed the hood, bumper and fenders.

I found it was very sticky and hard to buff. It needed a pre buff to get off most of the extra wax then a second buff to make it shine. The second buff was very easy.

We continued to do the whole car this way.

We took a step back in awe. It was done.

We then drove it outside to get some pics. There was no sun. I was sad.

Appearance: it left a depth very similar to that of Victoria wax concours. It looked as though you could walk through the paint. But it had more then depth, it also had shine. It was cool.

The one thing I was really shocked at was how it reelected light so differently from every angle.

Lbls1. Once wrote about the optical range of concours.

Boy was he ever right. Pictures do not do it justice. Its hard to explain but it almost takes a glow, very angelic.

Final thoughts: Man I love this stuff. I really want to try the vintage now. See if it can get any better.
The wax is still expensive and wont be used on everything however it is something that will be applied to higher end summer cars.

I would recommend this wax. If you can afford it. Then i would say try it.

well there it is. Any comments or questions?

p.s here is a link to the pics of the jag to see what concours can do


05-21-2007, 12:04 PM
Sweet review buddy, I haven't used my Concours wax just yet and reading this review makes me want to use it....I really shood do my Lexus up with it maybe next weekend after I'm done the other vehicle.

Oh by the way I still haven't received my Vintage just yet, as soon as I recieve it I'll give you a call. I'm so looking forward to my Vintage.

Thanks for the review, very informative and I like the Bigbird comparison hahaha...oh by the way the vewhicle looks wicked. Got to love midlife point hehehehe.

05-21-2007, 10:43 PM
Mike, glad to hear you were finally able to try out your Concours. I know you've had it a while.

One thing, if you're using 1 oz. for a Jag convertible then you're using WAY too much wax. Apply it so thin that you can barely tell it's on there.

08-27-2007, 11:38 AM
ok update time. I know its a long time since I have done the review, and since then I have applied 2 more coats of concours to the jag. I posted pics on another thread so youcan chek themout there.

So i have goten the hang of waxig by hand, going back and looking at the jar i have probley used less then an ox for all 3 waxes,its just weird trying to judge amounts when in the jar
So I guees the cost of using this wax is lesser then stated... however it is still my favorite lsp out ther.. so bad its got a big price tag

08-27-2007, 12:01 PM
is 1oz a car typical? I normally use less than half an oz of any wax I use. Is this only for Zymol? or because this is a softer wax?

08-27-2007, 12:03 PM
is 1oz a car typical? I normally use less than half an oz of any wax I use. Is this only for Zymol? or because this is a softer wax?

it takes some getting used to applying with bare hands. at the bggining i found i used more wax then was needed. Also i mis jusged the contanor, I had dpped into one side and not evebly all over. When I started using from the other half of the jar I relized I had not used as much wax as said.. so no 1oz is not common

08-27-2007, 12:35 PM
if you apply by hand you will certainly use too much product... i apply via a foam pad and dont use anywhere near as much as i did applying by hand... much easier to apply via pad aswell.. you want to apply it thinnly,

08-27-2007, 12:50 PM
I checked to make sure i am aloud this and i sure am so I hope eveyon enjoys

So here is the long awaited review. I promised it, and am now getting it done (a few months late)

Product: Zymol Concours

Container size: 8 oz

Price: $164 USD

Application size: Allot at 1oz a car.

Price per application: 164/8= $20.50USD

Smell: It smelt awesome. Like cinnamon candy. Almost like those little heart candies at valentines day. It smelt really good. I wanted to eat it.

Appearance. It looked like a yellow solid. The yellow was like big bird. I know its a weird color to compare it to but I thought they were similar.

Directions Per Zymol (paraphrased): 1: Wash and dry car, hd cleanse if needed

2:apply wax with hands

3:lightly buff off to shine. Do not let dry

How I used: We washed the car using Zymol clear (I thought I would play with the zymol stuff). We then dried and buffed the car using optimum polish. I wanted the cleanest nicest surface I could get.
We then applied Victoria wax lite cleanse. I couldn’t find the zymol hd-cleanse. I have used the hd before so I knew what it was like. I like the VW stuff better anyway so no biggie.
We then started the fun. We took some wax from the jar. It instantly melted in our hands. It was really cool.
You could feel it melting.
We then started on the hood. We realized we had way to much wax so we also did the bumper and fenders.
The wax applied well, it was not hard however lots of wax is used. It is hard to get a nice thin even coat but as we went on it became easier. I think a few more cars and it will be no problem
We then buffed the hood, bumper and fenders.

I found it was very sticky and hard to buff. It needed a pre buff to get off most of the extra wax then a second buff to make it shine. The second buff was very easy.

We continued to do the whole car this way.

We took a step back in awe. It was done.

We then drove it outside to get some pics. There was no sun. I was sad.

Appearance: it left a depth very similar to that of Victoria wax concours. It looked as though you could walk through the paint. But it had more then depth, it also had shine. It was cool.

The one thing I was really shocked at was how it reelected light so differently from every angle.

Lbls1. Once wrote about the optical range of concours.

Boy was he ever right. Pictures do not do it justice. Its hard to explain but it almost takes a glow, very angelic.

Final thoughts: Man I love this stuff. I really want to try the vintage now. See if it can get any better.
The wax is still expensive and wont be used on everything however it is something that will be applied to higher end summer cars.

I would recommend this wax. If you can afford it. Then i would say try it.

well there it is. Any comments or questions?

p.s here is a link to the pics of the jag to see what concours can do

if it takes 1 oz to do a whole car, then that's too expensive. $20 per application...:( I understand when you are getting a free refill for life, other wise that too much...
Have you tried applying it with a foam applicator pad?

08-27-2007, 12:55 PM
i have not tried applying it by applicator. i have heard mixed reviews and mixed way s to do it I think next time I use concours I will give it a shot. but at this point i have not.

As for 1 oz of wax.

So i have goten the hang of waxig by hand, going back and looking at the jar i have probley used less then an oz for all 3 waxes,its just weird trying to judge amounts when in the jar
So I guees the cost of using this wax is lesser then stated... however it is still my favorite lsp out ther.. so bad its got a big price tag

so the 1 oz was a misjudment and should be treated as such

08-27-2007, 01:44 PM
nice revue!!! hey you want to go halfseys on some vintage wax???id love to try that :p

08-27-2007, 02:00 PM
nice revue!!! hey you want to go halfseys on some vintage wax???id love to try that :p

haha is only that was a viable option. I guees ill just have to scrimp and save to get mine :D .. the goal is to have ordered it by my birthday in september... ohh well we will see... if I do get it I will do a full review

08-27-2007, 02:04 PM
haha is only that was a viable option. I guees ill just have to scrimp and save to get mine :D .. the goal is to have ordered it by my birthday in september... ohh well we will see... if I do get it I will do a full reviewid love to try it though. the only one i know whos has it is that paul dalton guy. you think if i p/med him hed send me a hunk of it:D maybe a little in a baggy:D i mean its free refills for life . il pay for the postage:D ahhh forget it :p

08-27-2007, 02:26 PM
id love to try it though. the only one i know whos has it is that paul dalton guy. you think if i p/med him hed send me a hunk of it:D maybe a little in a baggy:D i mean its free refills for life . il pay for the postage:D ahhh forget it :p

haha there are lots of people who have it. One anther forum it is often discussed by a few people who have it.
Also there is a jar here in calgary. My mom had a car accident afew momths back, we finnaly got it in and when i was there picking up the car i saw Vintage... just sitting there i was drooling over it. i thik the guy thought I was nuts. lol....

as for paul giving you some.. good luck if they get caught they loose the refils.. so it might cost you 2 grand for a sample lol:D

08-27-2007, 02:28 PM
I dont think wax makes enough of a difference to warrant spending that much money.

08-27-2007, 02:30 PM
I've tried applying Concourse by applicator and it works great, applying by hand is fun I enjoy it every time but yes it's very difficult to get a nice think layer. I still apply by hand but tried applying via applicator and you get much better even layers. As far as price goes, I personaly don't think it's a big deal...the finish and the apperance you get it well worth it.

Thanks for the follow up mike, don't you worry Mike you'll be able to try out Vintage soon ;)