View Full Version : Harley Sportster quickie

04-15-2013, 03:41 AM
Hey everyone yesterday I got a call to come detail a customers Harley. So I quickly packed everything I would need and headed over. Customer had no access to water so I used the new turtle wax rinseless wash. Stuff works pretty good, however it's not very efficient about getting into every nook and cranny.

After the wash I clayed the bike and the customer had never heard of or seen clay used before. So I was kind of nice being able to educate someone bout it. He was amazed on how the paint felt and looked afterwards. Then I polished all the chrome with CG metal shine. The chrome turned out great, however the aluminum or stainless pieces were soo heavily oxidized that polishing by hand wasn't cutting it, so we are gonna set a time for some machine polishing of all the metals. If anyone has any input for polishing Harley metals please let me know, I'm just wondering if they have any type of coating on them or something I need to worry about.

Anywho, after all the metals were cleaned up best I could, I proceeded to polish the pain with M205 and a CG white hex logic pad and my trusty PC. Paint responded very well, I just wish my 3 inch BP hadn't broken on last car so I could have gotten the machine into some of the tighter areas, but I grabbed my 4 inch white pad and hand polished out anywhere I could not get to with the PC.

After the paint was looking flawless, I topped it with CG Black Light, the coated everything on the bike in CG jetseal 109, then for a lil topper went back over the bike with CG V7

Overall the customer was very happy, however we all know we are our own biggest critics, the wheels of this bike are soo heavily pitted and trashed I just was not happy with the way they turned out, so gonna try to talk him into a wheel off resto of them and probably sand everything down and polish them back out. But other than that I think it turned out well. Any input would me appreciated and highly welcome.
Like always though I didn't grab to many before pics lol, but here are some afters and during

The dot you see in lower center of tank is a massive chip that we have to see about filling in. I was careful to mind it while polishing.
Sorry this last pic is pretty blurry it was late in the night lol

Thanks for looking, shoot some comments or criticism this way!

D.C. Detail

04-15-2013, 07:15 AM
Looks good! To me, that color looks good on any style bike......especially when the paint is properly finished. Good job!

04-15-2013, 04:46 PM
Thanks I greatly appreciate that. Just really wish I could have done more when it came to the wheels

04-16-2013, 06:57 AM
Everybody likes a quickie :dblthumb2:

04-17-2013, 10:13 AM
Lol who doesn't these days....